Hemp Can Be Crucial To Control Climate Change And It's Destined To Be Wildly

There is also hempcrete. Hardwood flooring, engineered lumber, etc etc.

In those cases the stored CO2 stays stored the lifetime of the end product.


We do so appreciate the fox news perspective here.

Have you noticed I havenā€™t replied to anything you said so far? Do you think itā€™s a coincidence? Do you think somehow I just missed your pearls of wisdom?

No! I just think youā€™re a piece of shit asshole that has nothing constructive to add to a conversation except to try to be combative with me in any thread I choose to speak on. I believe you are possessing subpar level of intelligence and trying to make up for it by arguing with people you think are intellectually superior to you and telling them how wrong they are for not believing the same brainwashed bullshit you believe. Good luck on arguing with someone else. I find you to be a mental midget and not worthy/capable of an honest intellectual exchange.

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Iā€™d say against the west as a wholeā€¦ :smiling_imp:
Iā€™m from Europe, the world second emiter, 18%, I do not deny it.
Nowadays China is first, but everyone moved there, all westerns.

I tend to believe the research behind these estimates. It doesnā€™t sound that complex given it is only based on anthropogenic data over a relatively short period of time. Were not even dealing with geologic or cosmologic periods here.

And the wealth generated from all this machinery ends mainly in the hands of a minority. It is not a magic data. I donā€™t believe the majority of the world really profited from that. Some never saw anything behind troublesā€¦ for instance Sahel was inhabited for thousands years before all this place turned wrong.


This. Hemp was treated as a narcotic in the US prior to the last farm bill. Itā€™s still treated as such by many first world nations. Itā€™s not a stretch to suggest this is why we havenā€™t seen the claims of what it can do be realized yet.


Thatā€™s the whole point of making fabrics and and houses with hemp fibers. :smiley:


Mr. Jebril, in the past it was obvious that we do not see eye to eye on socialism / communism we have very different opinions .

In a conversation I had with you in the past you have told me you were not a native European. Depend on which report you read you will see different percentages attributed to European emission but as I looked around I have not seen one of them go as high as 18%ā€¦ But I have seen reports significantly lower.

And I tend to believe that research is a heaping bowl of bovine excrement with so much spin added so as to make it completely ridiculous.

Anyone and everyone living in ā€œsocietyā€ has benefited and is continuing to reap the benefits of the industrial revolution and if anyone says any differently they are either ignorant or intentionally fraudulent. I have met and spoke with Dr jarvick in the past and heā€™s a brilliant man that made many millions of dollars from his great inventions and advancements and to say that because he is the one that made the money and not society in general means that he took advantage of society is either ignorant or malevolent thing to say. I know you are above average intelligence so I am sure you understand what Iā€™m saying here.

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Iā€™m quite sure youā€™d rather not reply to people who know how little you understand about virtually everything.

Damn you got me. Youā€™re just way too bright.

And now back to ignoring you.

CO2 is awesome for plant growth.