Hemp .3% question

But seriously, why?! The more we try to bend and outright break the rules, the less likely national legalization becomes. Why is it so damn hard for everyone to play by the rules.

If we play nice, they give us more to play with (legally)! Just buy your BM THC until it’s legal! Leave hemp the fuck out of this game unless you want to fuck it up for everyone else! (Just my opinion)


Tobacco companies for years made their own science against anyone who said it was bad.

This industry is very similar in attitudes but with something not killing people. Aiding them.

I was just offering that as a solution to the complete J. Which would be far more tricky to accomplish. Hypothetically speaking.

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And completely unnecessary (actually counterprogressive even!).

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Tell that to Texas cannabis.
Or should I say Oregon Hemp.
They’re the same anyways. .5%

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Keeping the BM and hemp separate is in everyone’s best interest.

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And of course it was only a hypothetical situation

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That you absolutely know someone will try now! Haha. Gotta love free ideas!

It’s too late for that. Can’t tell the difference between hemp and pot. Can’t tell the difference between a hemp slanger and a pot dealer.

Just speaking my opinion of what the consumers think.

When the only thing that separates them is a piece of paper and we got companies printing it like money?

I wish I had an answer and could allow access the world over to cannabis. The world would be a better place, and I am sorry that those of you in the Midwest are being forced to suffer without access to good meds. The tide is changing, and it won’t be long (relatively speaking) before the ass backwards views on cannabis shift in our favor. All we can do is ride it out as best as we can.

Still always happy to hop on the phone and brainstorm with you.


I just found this.
The temporary injunction was partially granted, in that smokable hemp product businesses may carry on without facing penalties or fines under the status quo as it existed prior to the August 2nd effective date of the new rule – at least until the final trial on the merits set for February 1, 2021.


Lucky packs gonna hit the STREETS :four_leaf_clover:

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XD where them d8 sprayers at LOL
Call this spiderweb og

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I’m still waiting for some sort of diy cbd isolate to d8/d9 reaction kit sold to consumers. Pull tab, shake, pour out and evaporate. Product is legal until the wacky consumer does the dirty work.

Another idea along the lines of the op question, what if one mixed hemp bud with thc bud that is easy to differentiate by appearance, but the net thc percentage for the package was below .3%? It would be a matter of which bud got picked to sample. I don’t think anyone has been caught doing that yet, so afaik there is no test case.

I am not recommending anyone do these things, nor am I going to, I am just interested in the rules and how they are enforced.


I’m exaggerating ha, but the mention of that kit made me think of these:

@moveweight Legitimately asking, what states define potency per package as opposed to weight? That’s more of a MED/REC definition. If there are two different products in the same package they’ll just test each separately.


I almost bought one of those for a gf, when I was like 15 thinking it was romantic🤣 Then my buddy says wtf are you buying a crack pipe for…


Is a pack of hemp cigarettes considered 20 products or one

One product made up of 20 identical products, is my understanding.

“Identical” :kissing_heart:

Okay fine, no pretty red ribbon on the doink

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