Help with RSO please

Yeah that’s just larger particle, resin, you could technically do a transfer of liquid as is before all solvent is purged to pull the top layer for strictly mother liquor extract, & have that bottom resinous layer to decarb & use for other applications

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Thank you!!


id pull it out of the cooker, let it cool down a bit, and filter it with a coffee filter.
if the solution has thickened up, add more alcohol before filtering.

ideally you should do a vacuum assisted filtration in a buchner, but if not available, take a mason jar, put a coffee filter in the top, and slowly pour the solution in and gravity filter it.

let it cool down first!!


Thank you! I have a Büchner funnel . I don’t have a way to vacuum assist at the moment could I potentially just do gravity with that ? And still let it cool first?

Cold gravity filter will work fine but take a longer time frame, cleaner in the end. Vac assist is more optimal but work with whatcha got.


Do I still need to let it cool? Thank you !

Yes that would be ideal.

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Maybe put it in the freezer?

it would take a while without a vacuum source, but that would probably work, give it a shot.

if the solution is still mostly ethanol and thin enough to be filtered well, go right ahead, just be safe about it, proper ventilation etc etc


Thank you so much for the help :pray:t3: Should I cap the jar and put it in the freezer to get it cold before filtration ?


id be very cautious caping jars with warm solvents, thats a great way to pop them lol.

id just let it cool down to room temp naturally on the window sill, cap off, add a little more solvent and then filter


Durrrr good call. Thanks again!

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Do you have suitable filter paper?

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a water aspirator will get the job done…

I’ve seen them as cheap as $9 if memory serves.


Harbor freight has vac pumps for $100 also

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I have whatman filter paper 20-25 microns. Unfortunately it hasn’t worked that great I’ve already re-filtered and I still see a tiny amount of sediment on the bottom so I’m going to have to filter again it looks like…

Also when heating it up, what temp should I not exceed?

well no matter what you will have to heat it up enough to
1: remove all the solvent, ie. EtOH BP is 78.37c
2: decarb the material at roughly 150c

that said, i wouldnt go beyond 160c

filter it a few times, a coffee filter should be sufficient,
how did you agitate and macerate the material when extracting??

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I basically ground it up first and then once I added the ethanol to the material I stirred it between 2-5 minutes .

With what did you grind?

See Biomass Grinding at various scales?