So I bought this at a pharmaceutical auction about six months ago and it has some sort of a rotating center and it looks as if there was some other items attached to it but I have no idea what it would be used for other than possibly a rotovap of sorts? Any help telling me what you think this is or any ideas of what I could do with this is appreciated:)
Looks like old reactor of some sorts or pressure vessel
Looks like it make a nice pressure cooker
Looks very cool - no idea what it’s for.
What else was in the auction / any idea what facility it came out of?
No idea- but those side walls are reinforced on the outside with those long “bars” on the sides.
Really professional pressure cooker that for sure goes past 15 psi?
If you search industrial reactor/ pressure vessel the pictures pretty much look like your item. If they didnt clean it very well maybe you could swab the walls and send it to a lab and see what comes back. For all you know this was used to mix flavored sex lube.
I’m thinking the beer industry possibly. Like micro brewing
But he’ll I bet we could repurpose it to a lot shit
Definitely, that style of vessels is only used for flavored sex lube.
It looks like a reactor or fermentation vessel.
The four shorter ports would have had various probes for measurement, adding/removal, and the central long port would have been for a fermenter.
Just a guess
Pressurized homogenation tank?
I bought it along side a capsule coating machine that is about 10 foot long with two twisted trimmer type baskets on it and it is made for coating ibuprofen pills with shellac from the shellac beetle. I only know this because I had to pressure wash it all off and I was wondering what it was so I looked it up lol. But I’m pretty sure this was some form of reactor for something to do with pharmaceutical making. Thanks for the ideas:)
The center is a bearing of sorts and does spin with a tri-clamp top on it so I’m thinking you’re probably right.
Mmm mmm Good:) hopefully it was the Bananarama flavor:)
Banana hammock kush?
Ever figure out what this was used for in its previous life @apollojmr?
Nope I am not sure but I think the best answer is that it is some kind of a reactor. I did buy it directly from a pharmaceutical manufacturer so there’s a good chance that it was something to do with ibuprofen because that was what they were making.