Help with Contacting Extractors + Creating Contact Data Base

Hi, there!

I recently began working at SRI (we manufacture high quality, affordable gas chromatography instruments, which can can test for cannabinoids, terpenes, as well as residual solvents) and I am looking to contact hemp extractors.

Can anyone recommend a service that can help me contact these extractors or create a contact data base specific to my needs?

If any hemp extractors are seeing this message - do you conduct in-house testing before sending out samples to third party labs?

Thanks so much!

There’s not a magic list of extractors that you can buy. You should set up a CRM system and start networking with extractors on places like Future 4200 to build your own list.


Many states have a list of licensees when it comes to their hemp programs.

For instance, in Indiana you can find that information at: Indiana Hemp Regulatory Website

Many other states with a well-established hemp program have the same info readily available.


most states have this!

heres oregons list for all rec licences for cannabis.

Whoops forgot the link…


There’s plenty of ways to build your rolodex man. I’m sure it would be great to get it cohesively done, but that is a monumental task, also, knowing who to call and when.

Also, we’re a goober of a bunch.


So hemp is a bit tricky, I couldnt find any lists but im sure they exist state by state, just like in cannabis licenses are searchable and are downloadable in CSV.

Its also helpful to begin by becoming part of the community your trying to service by chiming in on topics that you have expertise on and creating any worth while content about your product. :+1::clinking_glasses:


Seriously, I not only built a ton of business here, but made some good friends.


It’s not just the journey, it’s the friends we made along the way. :rofl::rofl:

Group hug, “go team”.

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@moveweight had a magic list like this a while back idk if his list is what you’re looking for


Most state accumulated cannabis cultivator/extractor lists have clear language indicating the information presented is not to be used for solicitation and is usually punishable.

Be careful with your technique should you utilize those resources.


X_x lul

License holder database (search) is a bit dated