Help please. Low yield and solvent loss. CLS Nitro Push

I am using a nitrogen assist passive cls.I am at approximately 20lb solvent to the 1300 grams material. I freeze the solvent tank in dry ice, 50lb push into a vacuumed material column, let the material soak for 10 minutes, then i push the remaining butane through the material column. I dewax, push through a medium, a slow, then a 1 micon sintered. Then into the collection where i then reclaim passively through some 3a desiccant.

I notice that I dont get the yields I am looking for: 5-12%. I lose a quarter of my butane on each run. When I go to clean the material column the next day and i release the bottom valve, I am able to get an entire quart jar of liquid butane filled with hash. Its such a waste. It seems to me that the cold ass butane is freezing in the column and if I warmed the column Id get everything back?

Yes, you need a jacketed material column, to heat the biomass and recover the solvent left in the column. If you are leaving behind cannabinoids, try running more solvent. How are you packing your columns? How fast are you injecting into the columns?

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pretty hard packed. more solvent? im at about 7 to 1 on solvent to mass ratio. I could reduce the amount of material. My max solvent is 25lb.

I fill the column slowly by cracking the valves.

also, heat it while extracting and sending it into the dewax? or heat it while recovering and T into the recovery process?

Can you describe your “dewax”?

Where are you stalling that 20lb of solvent before filtering?

My math says you’re getting about 1/3 of your 20lb of solvent into your column before your soak. Then flushing with (About) two more column volumes.

Are you using magic dirt to dewax?

Pictures might help.

What are you feeding it? Yield depends on input. 5% is awesome for fresh frozen. 12% from machine trim might be appropriate.

What temps are the various components as you push your solvent through? What is the yield from that quart jar? As a percent of your total yield?

material column is 4x36
separate dewax is a sleeved (dry ice) column 6x24 which has a filter plate (medium) and a 1 micron sintered (with a slow on top of it).
recovery vessel is a round bottom 8x24

no crc clays or bleaching or any fuckery

I am currently purging off that quart jar to find out. im on track with that idea.

machine trim.

solvent tank stays -78c
column is approx 10c
dewax -78c
recovery 30c

Are you saying your material column is 10c?
I run my column at about -76c and gas warmer.

so how much of your 20lb solvent fits in your “dewax”?
(less than 2/3rds by my math. does that mean you’re leaving your column full?!?)

are you stalling there at all?
are you seeing anything on your filters?

using that much solvent, I would skip the soak and the dewax. just get it cold, and get it through there and into you (cold!) receiver. close off the column. vent the receiver. wait 5 min. push from your column again. to get the liquid that settled. close off. vent. then start recovery.

if you want more of your solvent back, you heat your column at this point, and recover off the top in parallel with your primary recovery efforts

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