HELP - jar lid leaked paint into oil

Have used these jars multiple times with oil and never had this issue. We usually heat up the jar in an oven around 140F to make edibles and carts. Is there anything that can be done to make this oil safe?

Going forward we will be getting different lids and making sure to remove them before putting it into the oven. Are there any other common practices we should be doing with this?

Okay - are you using Food Safe jars? If so - all the components should also be food safe, meaning you should be able to safely remove them with a filter, scooping, etc.

If its not a food safe lid, totally different ball game.

What kind of “paint” your lids have paint on them?

These are Bormioli Rocco jars/lids that are made for canning. I don’t think there is anyway to scoop this out due to it running down the side.

I don’t know what else to call it other than paint. It could just be a sealant or coating.

You sure it’s not the wax ring from the lid?


Did you read the whole description that includes what to do with the lids…


What kind of solvents are present in that goo? I’ve canned for decades and never seen anything like that


Just call the manufacturer and ask them what their lids are coated with for material of construction compatibility.

There’s a lot of food safe / food grade paint out there. Usually packaging designed for holding foods for a long time under pressure is safe to consume and doesn’t leech like what you are showing.

That’s a pretty great question as well. I’ve been using similar jars (I cannot be sure they are exactly the same…) for years and I’ve never had one “melt stuff” off the lid. But then I’m using just disty and ethanol when its in a jar. How hot did you get it? 140F is like nothing, like still touch with your damn hand not hot. Seems pretty weird that your lid would just melt off like that, when the things are designed to go into pressure canners under heat that is double that…

Is it possible that this lid was used for something else before and its not actually paint? But some other substance that was not cleaned off the lid?

The lid still looks dirty in your photo - if you clean it off is it all just its normal white or does it change to a silver color as its lost its coating completely?


Recently had this happen to me. My thought is that the terpenes get on the lid and start dissolving the liner coating into the jar. I’m looking for a metal lid for my jars now that do not have a liner present underneath.

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Welcome to the future @PapiRoz!

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Check out the jars @Chemtek carries