Help identifying root pest

Only one that i know of that jumps around.

What I ended up with
I obviously have to rely on help from others so Iā€™m open to all further input. The thoughts from the guy at the store was that fungus gnats would not Murder a plant that big that fastā€¦ but atleast with what I got it will hopefully attack a few issues at once.
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Fungus gnat larvae eat roots, and the damage allows pythium to enter. Plants will drop quickly from root rot.


They look like aphids to me the nematodes should kill them if they havenā€™t been sitting around in the hydro stores fridge for ever. I get mine off more than they recommend and it should kill them. Other ideas that come to mind if that doesnā€™t work azamax or pyrethrum

Definitely not aphids looked at the second post and thought they were pictures of your plants

Triazicide is a synthetic pyrethroid. It is toxic to fish and bees.

While I do try to always be thoughtful and work ethically, for now I have to bite that bullet and treat them with it. I did a light watering this morning with the mosquito bits, so Iā€™m going to finish off the watering right now with that new mosquito concentrate stuff. Then tomorrow morning Iā€™m going to do a full watering with the pesticide, and a day or two later when it dries up, unleash the beneficial monsters

slf-100 is great product to kill soft bodies things in the soil.

it crystallizes inside their body if I remember correctly.

and will flush ur plants and give biological nutrients

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I always thought it was the liquid vs the bti chunks that kill the bugs. So I used to pour x amount of bti into a 5 gal bucket, add water. Mix well. Let sit overnight for the bti to break down.
Mix mix mix
Check ph, adjust as needed.
Water all plants

Iā€™m going to proceed with my above plans, only because I know I can throw a million things at it as per suggestions. But I am going to be monitoring it closely and will continue to take bug pictures and such. Still kind of crazy how one out of so many plants just took a savage nose dive. Thank you all so much so far, feel free to continue to contribute to this thread for me and future searchers. Iā€™ll keep this updated

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Upon doing close photo comparisons to the best of my ability, the pictures I took of them most closely resemble Hyposasis miles. I observed some specific traits between my pictures and what I found on google. Which if correct is a good thing. But that doesnā€™t solve my murder mystery. Still did a treatment for the fungus gnats and the larva and will hit it with the triazicide tomorow. Now Iā€™m kind of worried about friendly fire though.

That microb lift is the bees knees.

little aliens make my world go round

BT will not work for root aphids, FYI. OP needs nematodes.

Oh, I got nematodes. And Iā€™m going to send them to war.

those are raā€™sā€¦

my battle with ra required going nuclearā€¦

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Apparently not. I have never had root aphids. It looks like aphids do not go through a larval stage, which would explain bt not working.

What if he dunked the root ball in soapy water? It seems like that would drown them.

it will notā€¦my raā€™s were super tough and resistantā€¦

i have tried all the non nuclear methods i can find with no success but i was in rockwool so inocculants like og bio war was not effective

Are you sure you used the OG bio war correctly and it wasnā€™t expired? That stuff has worked for me in the past. Its also a great additive on its own even if you dont have any issues.

probably over watering.

that will bring the gnat on hard.

100% myth.

ā€œIfā€ there were NO fungus gnat larvae to begin with, watering has zero to do with it. Did they magically appear in the water? No, they were already present, waiting for that 1st watering to spur their growth.