Can someone recommend where and how to check a little sample of oil for usual few heavy metals and alfatoxins ???
( pesticides and solvents already checked )
This is important nowadays, for the Healing oil to be actually Healthy and safe for our Loved Ones !
heavy metals and alfaxotins tell us how Healthy or toxic the Healing oil actually is .
checking the Crude, Raw oil concentrate is needed, Not only dry Plants .
and Not only distillate - because that is like filtering .
checking for alfatoxins every Harvest is basic common sense today when we actually Care about the Health, Living and wellbeing of those we are offering these concentrates to…
this is Concentrate too afterall !
alfatoxins are random every crop and should of course be checked Every Harvest when we Care and Love
the Big and Strong Hemp Plants have deep and long roots that absorb every nutrient, metals and toxins around in Soil, Air and Water - Growing in Clean, Green Nature far away from roads and factories is must . and where the Rain is clean and fresh
heavy metals may be alright checked once in a while for same field - tells us what is in the soil already and if there is much pollution around where Growing Plants
and how affordable can we do this each and both ?
one check for heavy metals ?
and one check for alfatoxins ?
i can share wild Nut Tree seeds with you to Plant Trees Everywhere we Choose to want find Green land !
White Walnut Butternut
most Healing and tasty of Nuts i tried, melt in mouth
i try to Plant them every Autumn to Create and Save the Life on Earth !
thank you