Hearing stories about this year crop

This is indeed a pandora box
Interesting times !

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For Oregonians, the land of milk and honey drip cannabis, there is an entire market that’s much more viable for the average farmer to make money in, which is not the extraction market. Sadly, many farmers have been completely screwed by greedy extractors who want to take half their crop just to turn it into crude. There’s so many shady players around it’s outrageous.

If you’re in Oregon, and you’ve got some plant wizardry skills, you best be growing for the smokable flower market. Even at prices of say $90-100 for trimmed flower, which it will hit those levels and lower, it’s an extremely viable crop for farmers. I recommend partnering up not just with extractors but with distributors in the flower market. Make 4X the price on your raw material and avoid handing over your crop to someone else who hasn’t paid you and wants a fat percentage of what you worked your ass off to create.


Just look at the history of fuels - same events…different chapter.

Hemp / CBD will be treated like a commodity just like any other good by the end of the year I feel. We will only see price drops moving forward. I’m definitely eating my words when I say this because I thought for sure we would be seeing a drought but that definitely didn’t happen.


It’s the natural order of markets as they mature. Pricing inefficiencies dry up and stabilize and those who can stomach normal profit margins hang and the rest bail for the next big thing.

Pretty sure we had that conversation 6 months ago.

This years international crop is going to be insane…

With one of my clients in Romania, we are growing 10k hectares of government controlled auto flower genetics, 3 crops, 1-3% CBD.

The farmers own the land and got paid up front for the biomass, and are stoked. Our processing facility is setup to use minimal labor. The pricing on our TFree distillate, which will be exported to Canada via Switzerland, is incredibly competitive.

My clients in China are doing it even bigger…


Nice! I had heard they had a lot of low potency hemp in Europe. Are you doing T-Free via chromatography or another method there?

Are all of your clients growing for cannabinoid production?
10k would seem suitable for seed. What’s your spacing in those pics?

Great stuff!!

That’s pretty low isn’t it?

Glyphosate has a very short half-life like less than a month and a half plus it’s highly toxic to cannabis put one drop on your one plants leaves and see what happens it dies but there’s plenty of other bads s*** in some of this land to worry about

Interesting who says only 5% of demand was met? Who says it will be schedule 5 in a few months

5% 5 months 5 years lol

You can’t throw around these claims without citations.

Please go into more detail on what you are hearing about CBD being put into schedule 5.


Love your avatar

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What is schedule 5 ?

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Thank You

I was told by 3 UNRELATED people, in two different states (one not being from the state that he is in) within the same week that are all part of the nutraceuticals industry that CBD is to be ruled as a schedule 5 substance, in the not so distant future… Don’t shoot the messenger.


The dea has zero control over CBD, doesn’t matter what they want it scheduled. Only the FDA will decide if it’s supplement or food or perscription only.
I wouldn’t listen to any rumour circulating about scheduling


DSHEA says they can’t, and its pretty easy to show that CBD/hemp was used and in the food supply long before 1994, Farm Bill reinforces what was already the “law”, and all the saber-rattling in the world from the (outgoing) FDA Commissioner doesn’t amount to a hill of beans when it comes to scary words about “re-classifying” CBD as Schedule 5