Hearing stories about this year crop

Wisconsins crops are anywhere from 4-17% - varies on location and the farmers practices of course, a lot of first year growers hit great yeilds.

Lots of last years crop were shipped to CO and the processors took notice and are coming in droves to get facilities here.

We grew more hemp than any other state in the nation before prohibition, good climate for it, I have no worries about expanding my op this year.

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What were you getting per acre?

1500 plants per acre, anywhere from .5-3# per plant.

avg 1# per plant though

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You guys don’t get an early frost there?

harvest starts in september done by end of october.

frost sometimes mid-late october and theyre basically harvested by then.

Mid September?


I am in Oregon and we use Oregon hemp farmers. We do 20 to 30 Kilos a month of isolate. You?

:joy::joy::joy: just missing some cbd still !

I like your posts. Is that a hammer head shark?

The water is deep the water is dark the water is filled with hammer shark
Liston kwesi Johnson an artist I liked in my youth


Very Haiku.

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We have partnered with big “Farma”, we only survived because of our Tech and contracts. It is all about extraction % and purity.

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I think CBD isolate prices will drop and CBD isolate will become obsolete and undesirable.

We’re planting 30+ acres in Illinois this year, our starts are extremely healthy and feel our expected cannabinoid content will deliver our premium.

@broken_glassware is right.
Processors want cheap biomass but 4% will kill your labor; you’d have labor around the clock to meet demands of processing.
Cannabinoid resin is the goal not biomass here.

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We’re doing around 1000

We’re already there. I know of more than one lab that has stopped making isolate and are only focusing on distillate and T-free. The loss going to isolate and the considerably smaller margins there have really squashed that product’s viability to a lot of producers.

Running sub-10% biomass really puts your cost per kilo of crude in a non-competitive state. For this season I would expect farmers in that predicament will have to sell for bargain basement prices to compete as a result. Pretty simple math really.

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You mentioned a lot of soy, cotton, and corn farmers jumping in the game. This concerns the fuck out of me because we all know those fields are loaded with glysophate. Not a single cannabis lab is testing for it either. Hemp being an amazing plant to remediate soil there is going to be a lot of heavily contaminated cbd crops coming down when they should be growing fibre cultivars for the first few years to clean the field. not a single person will test for the pesticides that are actually in their product only the ones that are not lol. stay safe out there people.


Aside from glyphosphate what other pesticides are used in those fields that needs to be tested for? We can lobby in California to have those regulated in hemp cbd


And in the us, should be in letter to FDA, the comment period is still happening