I was informed it was a solvent reseller, but don’t want to confirm who until they announce if it was a bho lab or a solvent reseller as I have a feeling it could have been either or more terrifying it could be both……
Either way I don’t think there were proper safeties set up at all.
Does anyone no the most common causes of lab accidents ? I assume most are from leaks and a ignition source. But I never here the exact details on the cause of the accidents . And what are some of the other causes ?( air in your system, over pressurization , old or in properly tightened bolts?)
Static electricity
Wiring arcing in non intrinsic electronics
Pilot lights
These dance moves
Other lab accidents:
Freeze burning your self
Getting chemicals on or in you
Something falling on you
Cable under weight giving way
Pressure related incidents
Sexual harassment from ugly people
Burning yourself
You are the guy at the party when people are talking about pranking someone and people are like “ let’s hide his car keys! Let’s put pickle juice in his beer! Let’s scribble on him if he passes out!”
And you are like “ let’s rape and murder him and burn his families house down!”
Seems like all these places would be a lot safer if they ran there systems out side ( not when’s theres lightning) or in some type of a garage that has 4 doors instead of walls? no?
I worked a consult where the owners girlfriend helped me clean the lab and then when we were in a group meeting she started loudly telling people that we were in love and that i had kissed her
I had not kissed her, nor was i in love
It was about the most befuddling thing i was not expecting, totally incapacitated really, and we were all locked in a warehouse together cause that morning the texts went out and the shutdowns began
Lol for the last time the tank was empty , and it was originally on a shelf with the chain as back up so it couldn’t be knocked over , and it was only ran like that one time to test everything before I gave it to my buddy
Can air getting into a system cause it to explode ? Assuming If to much air gets in and you crack a filter plate it could spark and turn the whole system in a bomb ?