LOL did they just sell that to anyone or did you have to prove to be owner of a licensed extraction facility?
I just shake my head!
I’ve had to rewire the alarms at places that cut the wires since they were going off so much.
SOP’s for dealing with the released solvent from pour-offs or ran columns are very important and rarely addressed.
No you don’t have to be licensed, they don’t care about putting that shit back on the street, that’s more new busts they can make!
Do these booths have emergency air evacuation systems or just alarms that let them know the lel or ppm is to high?
Our facility is built with 2 sensors in each process room one for LEL and one for PPM, as soon as the reading is above the set limit on either sensor our regular hvac shuts down, then louvers shut those vents and open the emergency evac vents then fans pump out all of the contaminated air out through ducts located on the floor.
Wow thats crazy that just shows you how fucked the LE really is
That’s pretty slick. Most places just have a fuckton of cfm pulling from an air conditioned space.
why would you have to be licensed? A CLS or any other equipment for that matter isn’t illegal in itself
I have enough thc pumping through my blood to make it a conspiracy to manufacture hash oil
Fucked. Poor dogs
Thats a decent size house too. Sucks
What do you guys think about this one? It appears the guy was blasting with a water heater in the garage (bottom right). March 09
Now I see why Daygo is becoming rosin central…
This is why i purchased a huber t305
Was going to come and say yes there have been a bunch blowing up but I too am in San Diego so…
There’s been a few up here. Some in Ontario as well but most out west. The second article is really quite morbidly funny. I think a lot of the explosions happening here are from people blasting without regard for the solvents they are using.
I’ve been involved in the sector for 5 years and we have never had a major accident or someone get injured. I’ve often been a pain in the ass as I always try to be the voice of safety… for clients and us.
I love how they excagerate the market value on shit, “estimated street value of $1.1million to $2 million”. Good thing news reporters arent dealing.
In the article they allude it’s a glass shop cause many of the lil warehouses right there are glass shops. Hutch hill (the guy they interviewed) said it was a bho extraction lab explosion but until the report is released it won’t be edited
We had a panoply of explosions around Portland a few years back, but they have fallen off after legalization and regulation. I think part of it is the low pricing at dispensaries that makes it easier to buy than make for the average user.
By happenstance I arrived at a house in north Portland that was still smoldering and surrounded by fire crews, where a contractor on site was killed instantly and the owner operating an extraction lab in his basement died later, after saying, “I am so sorry.”
I also used to get regular calls from fire marshals and fire investigators around the US seeking information, as well as from attorneys on both sides of the issue, but those have stopped, leading me to believe there are less explosions nation wide, or at least the fire marshals and investigators now have the information they need from the now regulated states.