I’m curious about the efficiency of this ice water agitator, if anyone has used it and has some feedback I would really appreciate it. I haven’t seen or heard much about it.
@frenchycannoli from I.G
look him up, he has some videos using the machine, he has one in his lab, Also icextract
just came out with a machine to. Plus i am also following some one on I.G that is in the process of making a 5 - 10 and 20 gallon machine.
It looks solid, I haven’t used one but I’ve run delta gear before and they’re a pretty solid company.
I think the selling point is having a “more” gmp-esq system for hash that’s decent sized and is semi-autonomous
It seems Delta is currently having some issues holding them back from producing the VTS.
I checked into the icextract washer and it looks pretty solid. Does anyone know of any other manufacturers?
The iceextract washers do look pretty solid from what I’ve seen on their website, though I seem to have a hard time finding out what they retail at or if you can currently place orders on them
I just spoke to a rep over at icextract. I was able to get a quote for the 74 gal and 120 gal units.
74 gal
w/o jacket: 29,000
w/Jacket: 31,000
120 gal
w/o jacket: 32,500
w/Jacket: 35,000
I was hearing around $25k for the 50 gallon delta, looks like the icextract 74 could be a better deal at $29-31k.
I’ve never really heard of the company before though, do they have a reputation and I’ve just never come across them?
They have a reputation for high quality mesh work bags and filter bags. They’re pretty pricy.
An automated washing machine is a totally different commodity though.
Has anyone gotten their hands on one of these units yet? Or even been hands on in operating one in a demo?
Would also be interested in some Infos and reviews.
The VTS-50 is just now hitting the market. We started taking orders about a month ago and the first few are rolling off the line now. Let me know if you have any questions or would like more info…
Delta Separations/Apeks Supercritical
Delta Separations VTS-50 US Pricing.pdf (330.6 KB)
Who is the person on i.g making the smaller machines as that’s exactly what I’m looking for thanks