Has anyone here run hops through ethanol or butane? I have a buddy with about a ton of hops that needs to be extracted and cleaned up. Curious if anyone has experience.
Haha when I was originally teaching myself to run closed loop, could only find videos on YouTube of people running hops. I think it might’ve been by summit extraction. Looked like pretty much identical process
CO2 is one option, ether is another.
Guarantee nobody is pressing them.
I too have frequently underestimated the stupidity of humans
Hash fish… hops edition…
In all seriousness, i could make it… how to consume though… eat it? Dry it out until it crumbles and make tea…?
Bad ideas… all of them…
Washington and Oregon have some very big hop farms running CO2 extraction
Thar processing also used to do a lot of hops, as did vitalis
Totally like cannabis and a common “practice” material before hemp legalisation.
Can confirm butane works, stay away from kiln drying. If you can I’d do a dry out similar to a cannabis cure. Running fresh will give abysmal yields, less than 1%
Kalsec does industrial hops extraction near here for the brewing big boys.
What type of hops? I’d buy some oil to try depending what it is.
We used to run Apollo hops extract from Yakima chief through our kd-30 wiped film to make a very clear concentrated hops distillate that we would make water soluble with for use in N/A near beer and seltzer waters
What was their extraction method to make enough crude to feed a kd30
Most hops i see extracted are with co2.
It was co2 extracted they had 200kg drums of the stuff
Does it require an ethanol clean up?
I have a real beast of a co2 skid for a song and a dance