Has anyone here had experience with the precision ASE100 FFE?

I’ve had two of them for 5 months.

More or less I would NOT recommend them at this point.

I could write a book on the issues I’ve had and am overall let down by the build quality and experience I have had with them.

To make it quick let’s just say both chillers have had at least 5 different fittings that leaked from day one.
They used wrong insulation, but since it leaked everywhere I had to pull it all off anyways to track down the leaks. Lots of NPT fittings which is a major NO NO on the transfer oil AG Chill themselves speced out for this build.
I’ve had custom parts fabricated and welded to fix the chiller in a faster timeline than ag chill could pull off.

We lost refrigerant on a chiller last week because they used slip on flared fitting instead of just flaring the line itself. The flared slip fitting broke right at the blob of solder. Simple 5 minute fix (we just cut the line and reflared the actual line and didnt use a slip on flared fitting.) except for the lost refrigerant it was a quick easy fix that shouldn’t have failed if they have better build standards.

I will say they have been on the phone with me daily to make it right but that’s no where near enough to make it right.

Having weeks of down time in the first couple months of running is absolutely unacceptable in my book.

EDIT: After some time getting these chillers dialed we have now been running 12-14 hours 5 days a week and the chillers haven’t stopped chilling. One chiller lost 1/2 a lb of refrigerant from a service port which has been switched out and repaired and recharged within a day and I have to say I would recommend these chillers to anyone that wants a solid machine that will perform reliably.

These were the prototype models and they have since built a handful of the same models and they have made the changes needed to keep them reliable and leak free. Joel and his team even came out to the lab on their dime after a few months of running and sharing run data and made some more improvements to the chillers to get them even more dialed.