Has anyone ever heard of this to increase cannabinoids/terpenes?

It works better if you have a ponytail and wear Birkenstocks


What about with Tevaā€™s?


Add socks, and youā€™ll fit right in!


I have great experiences using metyl jasminate in flower! It definitely does something.

Some of the shit you said was funnyā€¦

But it didnā€™t change the fact that you are youā€¦

Neither did your new username

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Hm well I would say hormone aplication does hinder other processes in the plant.

As stated before theres a fine line between energy distibution patterns feom primary to secondary metabolism and how they channel.

Mind you secondary metabolites are dagn difficult and complex substances that take up a LOT of energy to produce.

There is definetly a boon to elicitation but to what extent do they affect growth patternsā€¦ and aplication of these in broad acre farms might be a bit costly aswell(you know, gotto take the farmers into account:) ā€¦

So the signaling to defend when your actually growing might have really adverse effects and potentially creation of novel metabolites( too spacy perhaps), but definetly a physiological response in growth/patternsā€¦ Maybe the mico and other biotic pathways would prove more of a natural response whilst not hindering the architecture of the plant.

Anyhooo like the patent thanx for sharing and Imma share something foe all ya nerds to digestā€¦ :slight_smile:

The dillema of plants: To grow or defendā€¦


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