Harvest right Freeze Dryer - Difference between pharmaceutical and Home freeze dryer?

Interesting. Pictures?

I just purchased a harvest right and I think Iā€™m almost positive I found the solution to the over dried bud problem, I found whatā€™s called a cannatrol, I purchased one of these instruments, itā€™s like a mini wine cooler that dries/cool cures this device also hydrated using vapor technology it rehydrates to the desired rh by setting temps and dew point to achieve the rh Iā€™ll post pics soon cheers

You know if heā€™s still makin em? He hasnā€™t been on futures in a min.

@TRIPPIE I think is him.


Yo yo Iā€™ll dm

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The main difference is the processing capacity, right?

Not at all.
Can be had in same size.
Different hardware/firmware.

Perhaps read the thread again.

My relentless call to boycott Harvest Right still stands. They hate cannabis. They donā€™t support cannabis. They will not support cannabis customers. There are better solutions. Donā€™t give these religious bigots your dollars.

You got one thatā€™s as cheap as them though? I donā€™t wanna support car companies but itā€™s faster than walking


Just go in eyes wide open. They hate you and what you do. They lobby and vote to stop took from doing it. I donā€™t care about price at that point. Theyā€™re off the table.

And I hack their machines and distribute the firmware freely so their upper end models are useless to anyone with a USB stick?


Yasss, Queen. Do this. I would love to help everyone with HR level up to pharmaceutical firmware. Also, a strangers exterior does not make a shitty oil pump driven box pharma grade.

So does cannatrol units work?

Gonna go out on a limb and say since the IG is a ā€˜businessā€™ profile focused on ā€˜contentā€™ and nothing about our industry iā€™m gonna assume this is AI generated. Do we have any set rules on blatantly AI generated stuff that adds no value?

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Imo the only way to garner mass adoption of breaking cannabis taboo is to be extra nice to those staunchly opposed to it
Peace, love :v:

I am satisfied with my unit for the most part.

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You make a good point. I can be very nice without giving you my money.

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we had one of these, and 6 harvest rights in my last lab.

the labconco never worked