Harlequin Tsunami hemp slab

Harlequin tsunami strain.
This 90 gram slab came out with crazy numbers. I have had this tested 3 times 2 times with alltitude consulting and once with green leaf labs I also have a terpene test.
These numbers are amazing.
This product can only be sold between processors due to its high thc content
I am asking $900 for this 90g slab

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Did you have it tested 3x because the TC was so low or am I missing something?

Why is this good? How is so much of it non-cannabanoids? My hemp crude is 65+%

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I was wondering the same thing as I know the original poster uses crc. I never have ran cbd shatter but the tc look really low for a hydrocarbon extraction.

I kinda wondering where the cannabinoids went.


I had it tested 3times because I could not believe it was only 37% cannabinoids total
Which has never happened before and 20thc

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I thought it was terps at first then got the report back and it’s not terps.
It ma not fats and waxes we ran it through our CR column. It’s quite a mystery.
This concentrate smells and tastes Devine and is soo loud.

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CRC doesn’t remove fats just polishes them

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I’d agree with the latter, which happens to be the reason why I wouldn’t agree with the former.

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So could this theoretically cause a shatter to look stable visually but still be high in fats?

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I had it tested 3 times because I could not believe the thc was 20% and was only 37%
Total cannabinoids. The last test came in and showed 26% thcva so mystery solved.

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$900 for 90g @33.6 total cannabinoids. My dude…your pricing is what is a mystery.


What is the mystery my oil is small batch and smoke grade.
What should my prices look like to you $10 a gram wholesale seems pretty reasonable to me. I source only indoor of greenhouse material. I had $195 in labs alone on the Harley tsunami.

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The cannabinoid content is very low. So much so, that at wholesale, $10 a g is pretty steep. If crude is under 50% cannabinoids…I won’t fuck with it…and that’s crude. BHO, for consumption as bho as opposed to crude for further processing, at 33.6% isnt very marketable, when flower is right behind in total cannabinoids.

My total cannabinoid content is usually around 72% My extracts are not considered crude in my opinion.
My extracts are smoke grade no additional refining needed.

this slab has been sold hang in there more slabs to come @AshevilleExtracts

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