Guzzling distillate...

Dude I have been there myself.

I ate 2 grams of rso from a vendor back in the medical days in Seattle. Got off my shift 30 minutes later. Around 45 minutes after ingestion and 15 minutes into my congested drive home on Interstate 5 north, I got tunnel vision from hell and back.

Drove for the next 30 minutes clinging to the steering wheel.

I don’t eat edibles anymore after that experience.


Don’t let it ruin a beautiful thing. I can drink water until it hurts too.


Lmao, it’s been 8 years now. Maybe you’re right, time for another go


I did about 10 grams of disty the other day.

It was like 80/20 cbd thc - probably more cbd to thc but irrelevant - I just wanted to see if I could get high. I don’t smoke like that so I for-sure was baked for a day. Stomach was upset and uncomfortable.

I then proceeded to give a gram of same disty to an old 68 year old bookie friend of mine and his Parkinson’s tremors went away. He hated being stoned but loved the effects.

Two opposite generations got medicated together. Beautiful.

I also have drivin long trips while on acid and recommend.


10mg is almost too much for me… Dont care for the mind fuck shit… but love the way my joints feel… #liteweight


@BrotanicalMatt What’s your weight tho? I beleive the size of the individual eating the THC is a huge factor. I’m 205 lbs. and can eat a couple thousand milligrams of RSO for a nice mild hallucinogenic effect. It lasts for 6+ hours but in no way is as extreme as acid.

I believe my tolerance is extremely high from working with distillate so much which is already activated and having gotten dosed dozens of times from it being our pots and pans when we went to cook food

This thread is hilarious.

Yah weed turns into a lazy acid for me over 150mg.

I think you’d just vomit, shit, then pass out for a week. While probably waking up occasionally for a really paranoid piss.


I said separately I took acid lol.

I’m like ~200. I’m like a cat, I get high so easily it’s insane.

That’s not a bad way to get dosed up. Good food, women, and highs. :sunglasses::joy:

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I dabbed a gram of very high quality critical jack sugar after not smoking for 6 months… I was high the whole next day and a little bit into the day after that i felt like what I remembered being high felt like. Tolerance is a huge factor in this.

I thought all my friends were actually dea agents waiting to arrest me until I was high out of my mind, was hallacinating off of lights, would throw up immediately if I tried to eat any food. It was definitely an experience I would not want to do again

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please don’t eat that amount or “guzzle” it down. That’s a bad look


I dab a .3ish of distillate every 2-3hrs.


Have seen 10g consumed before


I have personally consumed 1g 95+% distillate at once on many occasions and always enjoyed it.

Dose is relative to tolerance but not exactly equal. Many who smoke and dab a lot still have low edible tolerances


13 posts were split to a new topic: “RSO”: all you need to know…

Damn bro you seemed perfectly sober to me haha!


I think I got the same ones you did lol guy from Detroit

I also eat 500-1000mg most days of citicolene and that helps keep my mind clear of fog… It was awesome chatting with you @square_root_pharms, youre a super smart guy! I hope you had a good holiday?


Y’all are crazy lol

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You would choke and die as an oil this viscous would surely block your airways

Say you somehow got around this an diluted it or capped it off as others suggested. Let’s pretend it wasn’t even psychoactive. That amount of oil would slow down gastric emptying so much that you would eventually need to vomit. Knowing that cannabinoids cause an upset stomach for many in normal doses, Im willing to bet that you would puke this up extremely fast. As for effects, I think you would be mostly nauseous and paranoid even after puking the bulk of it up.