Gummy edible targetting teenagers - Analysis

Doing the Lord’s work. Thank you.


Great write up. Thanks for including the chromatogram.


Eitheir your are a bit off, or you never get “pure” CBD.
What method are you using ?

Good isolates should test above 98% (and max 99.8ish), always seems to be an unknown in there, besides a few CBDv. The common contaminant which does not show up in analysis are usually plant lipids, and traces of solvent.


We use a shimadzu HPLC with a custom method using acetonitrile and water. Methanol in our sample prep. We analyze at 208 which I’ve heard is a bit lower than other people.

I’m not so sure 98% is actually a reasonable purity at scale. Most people I’ve seen do a single distillation then a crash and wash. Do we expect that process to produce a 98% pure substance consistently?


Well here’s a company selling olivetol supplements, 30mg each, to help you come down if you’re too high
edit: Also a seed company promoting olivetol’s use for the same purpose

I know nothing about olivetol other than it’s a “watched” precursor for THC


I’d like to know the coa on those products for sure…

Too high? Take some olivetol!

@iontrap target #1 right above my post.

From Amazon to you!!! Lmao


You won’t feel so high once you’re poisoned!


I remember this company selling synthetic CBD back in 2018. Totally full of Olivetol. After I showed their biggest customer what was in it they switched to hemp derived.


:joy: well they’re back and in full retail swing on their no science backed garbage.

When I see websites that good (I know it’s chad city)

Fuck it. Let’s just sell olivetol because we’re so good at producing it :joy:


Apparently they are still in business and I missed a thread about it:

Back in 2018 I confirmed by GCMS that it was simply an olivetol based synthesis and this whole “orange and lichen” talk was just a bunch of BS.


This is quite process dependant. I’m not 100% affirmative but if done not too cold and consistently, it should bring the purity up to 95-97%, and would require at least another recrystalization step to get past 98%.

I would advise you to prepare your own pure CBD, through stepwise recrytslization in heptane or pentane, at room temperature, like at least 4 or 5 steps so you sure reach above 99.5%. And then use it for calibration. Maybe you will find that you are off in the concentration range you are using (regarding that you get using CRMs).


Can easily get 99% in the reactor at scale with 1 intital crash and then 1 good cold solvent wash - grind and purge

You talking about Gron?

If not has anyone tested their product for olivetol?

As you read in the article, they switched from the “lichen derived” CBD to hemp. While they list many reasons, one reason they did not list is that I revealed it to be heavily contaminated. It had so many impurities it would literally turn ethanol black when dissolved. So I showed them that, got some third party tests and immediately they were like “yikes” and switched over to hemp.


Fucking bullshit cut corners one a really profitable item if they did it right. Kick in the door let them all shit themselves and cry. Knowing all that goes into manufacturing gummies or edibles with clean D8 and base ingredients it’s so fucking cheap why be an ultra piece of shit and do this.

Out of curiosity what are the effects of this bullshit? If the complaints you receive can somehow jeopardize the raid I’ll wait but I’m excited to see something done.

Smoke shops have brownies delta 8 all it says is 4% and if it’s by weight that 6.7g per brownie it’s in shops all over midwest and people report getting fucked up. But knowing no one is able to put that much into one brownie it has to be some other bullshit making people feel so high they are sick and nauseous with a headache.

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Nice work! I did not actually read the article before posting it and did not realize they had made the change to hemp derived.

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Can’t even buy CBD from Amazon but you can buy olivetol? Priorities


I had a most interesting conversation with SourcePure back then, that went something like this.

Me: So, you’re “CBD that grows on trees”, huh?
Them: Yep!
Me: So, the actual compound CBD is found in these trees?
Them: Well, no, we take compounds from the trees and bio-combine them.
Me: So you are making a new compound that wasn’t found in the original plant?
Them: Yes.
Me: So then it’s synthetic.
Them: No, it’s “bio-combined”.


LOL. I think we need to take all these marketing-savvy wordsmiths and make some bio-combined biochar.