Guess the smell?!

Would it kill you to post a pic of the flower in question

I ll try my best to give a description, but I find it difficult to do so. That said it’s not a hay or grassy smell. Maybe very little grassy far a way. It’s a bit “peppery” and sweet. It’s a complex smell. It has def something of gelato smell. The smell also makes me think of white widow.
Should mentioned this before, The fruity/citrusy strains like forbidden fruit, tangie strains etc also tend to smell all the same over here. A smell that reminds of tangerine
Hope this helps.

Its not just one type it’s of flower though. Some look fire in the sense they are dense. Not much frosting on the outside but when you break them up they will show nice frosting on the insides. And also they all seem to have darker color. Not the bright colors usually indicating good drying and curing.

So are you saying different strains from different suppliers all taste the same to you? if that’s the case could be due to similar genetics, seems unlikely all these different suppliers f’u the dry/cure which as others mentioned results in lose of terps and/or green smell. and shouldn’t the tangie strains have a ‘smell that reminds of tangerine’ ? am confused …

Sorry should explained better.
Tangie should definitely smell like tangerine. But a tangie and a forbidden fruit shouldnt smell exactly the same.
And a wedding cake and a RS11 shouldn’t also smell exactly the same.

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agree they should not, even different pheno’s (of same strain) can smell radically different to each other, could be terp sprayed, have you tried other suppliers ?

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It’s possible that what you are smelling are the least volatile terps and the more fragile, heat sensitive fragrances are lost due to long length of time from harvest to consumption, as well as the storage conditions that it sees. Baking in a shipping container and all the other handling it takes to smuggle it to Europe also probably plays a role. This is likely comparable to all the Mexi schwag we used to get back before everyone was growing in the US.


We will see what happens next in my country…
You can grow your own weed now, but officially to deliver the market is still not visible…and christ democratic party of ex chancellor Angela Merkel is already complaining about the new law and will probably win the next Bundestagswahl, than we move into the opposite direction.

To the question: you will without a clear laboratory analysis never find out what the reason is, but the smell would make me sceptical.


Has anyone considered that the OP is getting older and therefore less capable of differentiating scents?


Interesting concept :upside_down_face:
OP sounds knowlidgeable about scent
But indeed scent is in the nose of the beholder
Do think that this is not his isseu since his complaint is very common here in Europe
Flower smells great but they all smell the same diffrent strain names diffrent looks and structure of buds
But the same baseline scent in all


I had taken to blaming my failing sense of smell on Covid…I suspect setting one’s meds on fire and huffing the results doesn’t do one’s olfactory sensors any favors over the years either…


We had years of blaming every conceivable problem on covid but lack of weed smell in EU :smile: How does OP even know its from US? many US strains are being grown in Spain why anyone would import from US when Spain on doorstep +cheaper ,in my country the crim gangs growing warehouses full produce cr@p low quality which anyone with contacts avoids, for a while there was so much excess they exported this into NL. Thing is these warehouse setups always use old school bake ur terps Hid’s cause there so cheap while being ‘cared’ for by modern day slaves trafficked into country. insecticides, mold inhibitors, terp sprays etc are also used without a care by these people…


Anybody have experience with pgr weed? It could be pgr but I don’t have any experience with the pgr weed (as far as I know).
What I read about pgr it could be this. Super dense, little variety in terps and loads of “white hair” on the outside. But it’s potent. From what I read pgr shouldn’t be potent. These nugs have plenty trichrimes on the inside never heared a TEK that could achieve that.

That’s usually one of the biggest indicators of PGR bud is the lack of trichromes inside the bud. They’re huge and super dense and look fire, but inside there’s just no trichromes inside. Its super obvious

I would tend to lean toward it being the terps degrading in transport.

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Uploaded some pics. Sorry for the low quality they are pics of other phone with telegram

First two could maybe be PGR, but if the rest of the pics are of the same strain I would say it isn’t

happens to the best of us


10G. = 100€
20g. = 180€
50G = 390€
100G = 650€

The prices on telegram EU market (NL market actually)

For the second strain. Oreo

I would say 75% or more of people still use PGR’s . On top of that they are spraying eagle 20 , avid , and forbid too . I wont smoke anyone elses stuff sometimes not even my own friends .