Grower claims no sulphur was used... But I can taste it?

Copper pipe from Home Depot works well too

At scale the copper scrubbies are a bitch to clean.

Also works faster when you heat the solution


After a couple hours, no change on the washed penny. Seems like it is indeed sulphur getting picked up by the penny, no reason to believe it’s just the concentrate reacting with metal.

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I did 15l of make you puke sulphur smell filtered with copper scrubbies and it was not a problem after wards. Testing showed none, took a few days of having to keep cleaning the scrubbies but 100% works


scrubbies come out black for you?

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Yeah multiple times, cleaned with etho and washed before use and then again to clean until they didnt turn black anymore.


If someone dabs egg farts. I’m sorry for you.

Helpful info on the copper.

Definitely like spdking said. Growers lie… A lot.


Spends all his money on fire trim, first dab is egg fart salad


Heptane has been the worst after taste I’ve ever had dabbing CBD lol. But if I inhaled egg fart sulfur I’d easily vomit

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I come across Sulphur crumble and shatter once a year, someone wants me to do something with. I usually tell them to just take it back once I realize it’s contaminated. I think those are the 1k-1300 lbs of oil lmao

bro I get oil for 900 a lb

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Overnight in ethanol and some wax that didn’t have the sulphur flavor. Nada. The penny in the back is the one I poorly cleaned from before, the one in front was pretty fresh.


This is a carbon steel blade that was cleaned with alcohol and has had oil sitting on it for months. I have noticed them tarnish a lot faster in the past though.

Razors will also rust in a matter of hours if moisture is present.


I wonder why that happened to all my razor blades

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So, I decided to leave those pennies in that jar. And this happened over the course of those last few weeks.


Let it crystallize


Then boof it

Superpowers don’t come from thin air


That was the jar of ‘good’ concentrate right?


I know sulfur is used as an organic pesticide, but I doubt that’s what came with it. If they were running hydrocarbons then his solvent could have had hydrogen sulfide in it because it’s in petroleum. Tell him to redissolve in butane then run through a 4A molecular sieves bed, that should pull any hydrogen sulfide out.

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