Grinding 1/2-1lb of material

more contained than a trash can, more strings than a weed wacker.


I’m just fooling around. Gucci man has a lyric about trimming his weed with a weed wacker.I’m stoned, laughed at the thought . I’m sure it works great. Did you come up with that on spot for his question or have you done it before. Props for the MacGyver mind set.

seen it done well. been meaning to replicate. got the parts together but the barrel was put into tincture storing duty when the 30klb biomass showed up milled :wink:

always looking things that actually work.
especially off label uses.


@RedundantAlexithymia, the blender worked great. Took about 5-10 minutes to process just over 14oz.

Using the pulse function, I was able to keep the consistency how I like it.

Thanks a ton!


thats what we use as our preroll grinder

It saves me so much time compared to mushing it all through a strainer.

I’ve had this cheap blender gathering dust forever, I feel dumb for not thinking of it sooner.

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I freeze it and then pulverize it in the bag, in my hands.


I was doing that as well, I’d dry, then freeze, crush until most buds were broken up, then mush through the strainer, then stick it all in a vacuum chamber with some dessicant.

With the blender, I just dried, pulsed in the blender, then stuck it in my chamber.

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Honestly a big ass cup for a magic bullet works or stuff a few regular mason jars with bud and use a blender piece.

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Those would work as well for sure.

For some reason I thought a blender, bullet, coffee grinder, etc would be too hard on the materials and turn it all into dust. I was very wrong, they work just fine.


CM already posted the nug buster prototype and we bought our stainless mesh (bolting cloth) from Howard Wire. HOWARD WIRE CLOTH CO.- Stainless Steel Bolting Cloth, Woven Wire Cloth, Welded Wire Cloth

We broke or gummed up a number of grinder styles before we found the hammer mill to be the most effective, with the garden shredder second.

With the shredder and hammer mill, we were also recovering stems and fan leaves for topicals. Guts, feathers, and all. We even looked at the roots.

9.4.17 Extracting oil from fan leaves and stems - GrayWolf's Lair

I prefer a nug buster for small lots, as it beats the material up less, ruptures fewer leaf cells, and introduces less cell guts into the admix.

I typically break up bragging rights material by hand, which became impractical when we were processing not only our own gardens, but bulk material donated to the cause at outdoor harvest time.

Off the subject, but of note, when we ran stems through the hammer mill, the fibers that were discharged were cashmere soft, albeit in short lengths. Clothes made out of that soft fiber would not only be luxurious, but ostensibly durable.


Just found the perfect thing for this!

Have you tried it out yet?

Nope, just found it on Amazon a few mins before I posted, But it should work decent. if you have the ability to test it, I would appreciate it.

I use a stainless pot with a metal paint mixer on a drill . Grinds up 2 lbs in about 1 minute. Had @Ion show me this one.


Thats a damn good idea

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I used a paint mixer bit to grind my last seed crop, 250 pounds or so.

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Does this only work on frozen bud?

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Heck no, it shreds thru dry material like nobodies business!

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shit for those bucket tek extraction guys that couldn’t be easier.

I was always too afraid it would fling biomass everywhere

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