Grinding 1/2-1lb of material

If your running nugs, I freeze them over dry ice in bags and smash them by hand. Shit gets really brittle when it’s that cold.


I used to do that, but where I’m at now, dry ice is freaking hard to come by so I don’t get any until the day of extracting, and I pack my tubes in advance.

It’s so weird to me, I can only get dry ice from a single florist here, and they must wonder wtf I’m doing with 15lbs of dry ice every 6 weeks or so lol.


which mulcher is that?

sec ill give ya a link @The_Lone_Stiller


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cheers @RedundantAlexithymia

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More great suggestions to be found under Biomass Grinding at various scales?

Don’t forget to check the links below the first post. They point at all the other threads the above link has been posted in (so chances are they are relevant :wink: )


That mulched looks great for small batches!

Another landscaping tech for larger batches: you can put biomass in a garbage can and hit it with a string trimmer. :slight_smile:


Thanks! For some reason I’m dumb today and didn’t see that thread when I searched.

I do remember that thread now, and went with a strainer, it’s a great consistency for packing, but I’m mushing it through there with my hand, which is painfully slow. I thought about a ricer as well, but still would take a little too long (I’m lazy, and impatient, I know).

I’ll probably rig up something like this if I don’t like the mulcher or blender:

@clouds was kind enough to point this out to me awhile ago, it’s something @Graywolf posted back in the day, preferably I’d build with a smaller hole size though.

Just was hoping to save a little time and not have to diy this.


I think I have an answer to my question now, as always, thanks every one!

  1. Mulcher/blender with glass jar.

If not to my liking

  1. Build manual nug musher.

In both scenarios, I’ll be drying my materials, and if I do the screen, I’ll freeze the material in my deep freezer prior to processing. But would you freeze things for the blender or mulcher? I’m thinking no?

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You can also formalize that arrangement with a 55 gal hdpe barrel, a large drill, and a rod with 2dozen zip ties on it…


Make sure you get SS wire mesh, 1/4" has worked for me, doesnt pulverize but gets it small enough.
If u wanna get fancy they have ptfe lined wire mesh


Thanks for reminding me to get ss if I go this route. I was just gonna get galvanized mesh from home dumpster. Which is super dumb I’d imagine.

I see some 5 mesh sheets that will work, in case anyone else is interested:

TIMESETL 304 Stainless Steel Woven Wire 5 Mesh - 12"X24" (30cmX60cm) - Metal Security Guard Garden Screen Cabinets Mesh

5 mesh is 4.5mm hole size btw, which I just found out.

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Sounds like a trash can and a weed wacker :sob::rofl::joy:

If you’re only doing lb’s just get a big coffee grinder.

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They gum up pretty fast from my experience. I burned a couple of the smaller ones out before.


more contained than a trash can, more strings than a weed wacker.


I’m just fooling around. Gucci man has a lyric about trimming his weed with a weed wacker.I’m stoned, laughed at the thought . I’m sure it works great. Did you come up with that on spot for his question or have you done it before. Props for the MacGyver mind set.

seen it done well. been meaning to replicate. got the parts together but the barrel was put into tincture storing duty when the 30klb biomass showed up milled :wink:

always looking things that actually work.
especially off label uses.


@RedundantAlexithymia, the blender worked great. Took about 5-10 minutes to process just over 14oz.

Using the pulse function, I was able to keep the consistency how I like it.

Thanks a ton!


thats what we use as our preroll grinder