got some funky pull n snap that tastes like vape juice / chemicals

Hey guys, first post here. I just spent 2 months in California dabbing a lot of shatter. I’m back home and got some shatter from my “weed dealer”. This stuff seems off, its pull-n-snap but leaves this weird oily residue on my fingers when i manipulate it.

When i take a low temp dab it tastes like shit, kind of like vape juice / added terps. kinda like a bad cartridge. appearance wise it looks quality, this clear light yellow shatter. but it doesn’t smell like weed, smells like nothing. Usually if i get shatter this light yellow color it would be really nice terpy stuff. This stuff is crap but looks good, weird.

admittedly I took a little test dab and it did get me high, there is thc in this but i think it’s adulterated with something.

it dissolves in 91% isopropanol but took about 45minutes. Has anyone else came up on stuff like this? I’m not going to use this stuff but I feel like a lot of stoners wouldn’t know better. Any idea how this is cut if it is? I’ve read about pine resin, gub arabic, etc. If i had to guess this is a vape cart (or distillate + ecig flavoring) mixed with something to make it into shatter.

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Pine resin and snap?


Melt it down on a spoon. Then rub it on your fingers. If it dries on your finger like candle wax super quickly, it’s pine sap. Especially if it dries hard very wuickly oil should dry sappy


JESUS! i just tried what you said and that’s exactly what happened. It even peeled off my finger like candle wax, dried instantly on my finger like dipping your finger into a hot candle and blowing on it. the shatter when melted had this thick viscosity, very alarming.

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That’s the test


I don’t see why a THC concentrate couldn’t do the same things as a cut. I don’t know how reliable sticking dabs to a finger is to indicate adulterants.

My guess is this person just went ham with CRC and added fake terps after to make it taste fruity. Sounds like flavoring which could very well mean surfactants, MCT, PG, etc. All of those could change what it does and doesn’t stick to.

The mystery plant resin crowd that is getting the soapy bong rips all says theirs does the opposite and crumbles into a dust when you squish it. Just think we should watch out for these “tests” or else people go on a witch hunt and start calling everything fake right away


Try to make it sugar up. There has been cut/fake concentrates in upstate New York, all shatter or pull n snap consistency. I only buy sugar now. Also there’s a lot of hemp out there and scumbags that lost their asses on it are diverting it to the BM. I buy dabs now like Im buying acid from a stranger. “ let me try one out man, I’ll buy it once I feel it.”


Thats a ballsy way to try unknown acid


^^^^^ lol

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scary stuff. got 3-4 orders of different CRC shatters. all had added terps which felt harsh to dab.
the highs weren’t as pronounced, almost as if distillate was solidified. shit really sucks. NYC here

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Telling you dude. Dab a little bit of normal oil on tour finger, rub. It’s sticky, sappy. Stick a little bit of this fake tree sap shit, and you’ll know the difference. No real oil will EVER react even similar to the sap sht

like this?

my dealer talked to the “producer” who insists he makes everything himself. He says he has “state of the art equipment” and that “has been removed of all color” “which makes it more stable”. “its just color removal filters, if anyone else asks, chlorophyll”

I mean he is not wrong. As in the removing color technically does keep the oil stable for shelf life.

In fact, that’s one of the main points for the bleaching and purifying process.


If he used crc to remuve color
His starting material was probably old for it still has a lot of color
He readed terps for old material is often tastes old

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Hmm maybe this

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wow. yeah, that’ll sell in NYC

@BigHungryFarms: trimmed your URL. was hoping that would generate a preview.


my most recent batch
the reclaim is a stable pull n snap wax after I cold start it. it I ended up making edibles bc I dont like dabbing it

Does it leave a dark/black residue in the nail when dabbed?