Good Organic soil mix?

Hello this is my first time growing and im making a soil mix and wondering what to add… this is what i have.
Composted chicken manure and bedding(wood chips and hay), this was like 2 years worth of bedding and poop that i composted outside for 5 months its complety composted it was full of the biggest worms i have ever seen.
I also have EWC, Kelp meal, perlite, spaghnum peat moss, and a unlimited supply of organic cow shit also chicken… im thinking of adding gypsum. i got liquid organic nutes that my partner never used like, fish emulsion, bloom npk: 2-4-7. some 6-3-5. and organic mineral solution for tomatos. the main thing im wondering is if i should add lime or gypsum. also if chicken poo can be high in sodium since they eat sea shells. i heard gypsums good for that. does my soil seem complete with everything? its a small grow

This is the best resource I’ve come across concerning no-till soil.


I’m on year 4 living soil in my greenhouses. I highly recommend reading Teaming with Microbes. Processing:…