Good opportunity or not so much?

You are gonna jump into a world of hurt. Don’t do it. 20lbs to make a liter of 90+ is some crack thinking. Save yourself the heartache.

That being said if you need some distillation equipment lemme know!!


Its gonna take more material than that to learn on to make distillate correctly.


Your friend wants the work done “in house” with equipment he doesn’t possess, by a sub contractor who doesn’t know what they’re doing.

What could possibly go wrong?


Absolutely Nothing!


He’s got the right idea and passion. Just, yea no you won’t get 10L off 100-200lbs not even close.

@Racks do you have basic understanding of making BHO or ethanol shatter? Or is this your first ever experience? If the answer is no, I’d have someone else who 100% knows what their doing process his trim. I came on here to learn extracting in general then jump into distillation and I’m just here to say, be careful… no way an expert but please just be careful…

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Why would one turn GREAT, or even GOOD material to distillate?

especially if one doesn’t have the gear or the knowledge.

If the goal is “carts”, because that’s what your market demands, there are shorter routes, to better carts.

100kg at 10% potency. = 10kg of available THC. Getting 65% of that to distillate (6.5kg) is certainly possible. Maybe 60% if you’re aiming at two passes…but you’re not likely to manage that your first time out, and 200lb isn’t actually 100kg (just makes the math easier).

See purhaps: theoretical distillate yield?


Your friend may not be an actual friend. He wants you to take all of the risk, so he can get some profits off of his unusable trash (trim). Keep in mind Distillation would just be the final step of the equation. Firstly, you would have to extract the biomass, which depending on the method (EtOH, CO2, or BHO) comes with its own challenges and tribulations. Secondly you have do all of the post processing (winterization/filtration/solvent recovery) which again comes with its own set of challenges. Lastly, would come the volatile strip and final distillation. Depending on our set up the amount of equipment/ solvents/ and ancillaries this would take could easily set you five to six figures back. On top of all that, distillate is selling for dirt cheap, like less than $5 a gram cheap, and no offence but you aren’t going to be making top dollar 99% distillate on your first couple of runs.


Giant nope. There’s too much gear needed and the price is too low to make it work. You’d be better off making cannabutter and edibles or something.


Extract, centrifuge the thca, decarb into D9, Done.


Hey @TwistedStill could you dm me Wiper Labs site? Thanks! :pray:

Or maybe I misunderstood and you weren’t referring to a specific vendor😬

Correct. That was just a general statement.


Ok thanks. Should’ve read a little more before asking :grimacing: just a newb trying to find a good deal on a liter. Any suggestions?

Let’s see that pretty dick logo


:rofl::joy: I don’t think this is that kind of site but I’m also new here so who knows :joy::person_shrugging:

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A picture of my balls are on this site if you dig deep enough. It can be that kinda site if you want it to be…


Thanks for the knowledge everyone. Definitely going to pass on this opportunity. Thanks again…


10L from 200lbs of trim :rofl:


10 l of crude lol


Based on ample experience, these are the numbers I use;

13% crude from trim and 8% doubly distilled oil from trim. For 200 lb of trim, this is about 12 and 7 kg, respectively.

OP’s assumptions are not that far off, IMO.