Good news! Bad news! (Sorta)

Hit me on the dm if you have questions, the process is easy.


Thank you for link. OP, thank you for starting thread for those that are a bit intimidated to get into cls


@CuriousChemist22 can show you da way for a fee. Dude definitely knows his stuff. Along with countless others on this site.

When I got started I really wished I would have had someone to call when I had questions. For both practical and safety reasons. You can definitely figure it out on your own through this forum, but I would recommend paying someone to be on the other side of the phone when you have questions so that you go in SAFE and confident. $500 or whatever to keep from blowing a pump, having a fire , or losing on yield or quality.

Stay safe out there all you BVV warriors!


I learned how to use the close loop system in person with someone I was working with so I did tons of runs with him and that person experience helped. Personally I would be intimidated learning from scratch seeing how an error could cause my face to be blown off


I second @CuriousChemist22, and add @GreenMachine_Consult, @Krative, @Apothecary36 and @Dred_pirate to the list of CLS badasses.

The more you know or teach yourself first will drastically reduce the price of consultation…

Read everything on here, Skunk Pharms and various YouTube videos


Thanks homie :call_me_hand:t3:


Awe thanks maing.

I would be more than willing to help OP out. There’s also many others that have offered that are more than qualified, as well.


Here ya go!


Feeling loved today. Much love guys, I just try to learn from each day, and read entirely too much. The real magic is in the post processing if you ask me.


I used to have to call on @Krative and @Dred_pirate to help me wrap my head around if I was understanding some shit right and they set me straight when I couldn’t get my mind around it. @Apothecary36 is like the ultra MacGyver of extractors that I’ve met and has serious versatility in methods, @Krative will melt your brain with science knowledge and fire dabs, and @Dred_pirate is like the high end producer, running that sick equipment on fire ass trim and using his impressive processing and post processing skills to put out probably some of the nicest diamonds I’ve seen to date. I like to adopt apprentices because I like to be busy, and I guess I make reasonably decent products :wink:


That’s the only thing I agree with from BVV in terms of teaching, the initial instruction videos they put out years ago were so nice to get basic techs starting out a rough idea & to understand how a cls flows


So I just have one question so far…when I was blasting with the closed column I was doing 6 cans per run with about 200Gz of material in each run. I would off gas then do another and same until I was done. Well, I guess this is 2 questions but how do I know what 6 cans worth of butane will be per run? And also am I going to have to recover the butane from every run before I do another run or can I just keep running until it fills then recover all of it?

It depends on the size of the can. It’s been discussed in this thread How many cans is in a tank?

You can do multiple runs in the same collection and pour once. You will have to recover the gas in between if your collection doesn’t have the capacity to hold more. You’ll also want to vac down the system each time.

Thank you!!! Very helpful

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Check this out…


There’s several videos
Should help


You wouldn’t happen to know where to get the extraction bags that are tall enough to fit into a half pound tube? About 36 inches tall. I saw a video and a guy mentioned it was less mess and much easier then just packing the tube and emptying.

Half pound in a 36” tube? What is it, 1.5” diameter?


They’re called column socks. It’s harder to find them in a smaller diameter.

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Yes it is

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I’m not sure you’ll find socks that small

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