Good Life Gang

Welcome to the future @K.Spin! The benefits of joining the GLG are networking, discounts, private events for members, and access to a growing list of sop’s. It is an amazing way to develop strong, valuable relationships in the industry, save money, and level up together.


Hi there! The forum is free for everyone to use and benefit from. It was founded by @sidco and @Future to serve the industry with information and a platform for business.

The Good Life Gang is an affiliate program that @Future started based on his deep contacts in the industry. You can learn more here at Welcome - Good Life Gang . There are over 60 companies in cannabis and now mushrooms that offer discounts to GLG members. It costs $420 for an annual membership. You get immediate access to those discounts and an open invite to regional meetups all over the world. The meetups are the best! Any other questions? I would love to be of service to you. <3


Have you looked into for payment processing? I am curios if they are friendly to cannabis.

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No but it looks promising

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