Good heating mantles?

Hey everyone, I have an Mk3 Terpenator system I bought months ago, but have been super busy with my other business so I am just now getting a chance to start trying to utilize it for the first time. The only thing I can see that I still need is a heating mantle to heat the collection pot water to ~85F. Anyone have any recommendations for a good one? From what I’ve found via Google, it seems like most of the ones that can go that low (most seem to be made for higher than 100F temps) are around $250 or more. That’s not necessarily a problem, but I was just wondering what you guys have found works best. Attached is a picture of the pot I was thinking of using to put the collection pot in and heat the water in.

I appreciate any advice. This would be my first loop and I would just like to do everything the right way.

Are you using the right word?

Do you mean something like sous vide instead of mantle?

A mantle is for a short path distillation system and heats a flask up.


Above comment nailed it.
You want a sous vide cooker.
A mantle is for spd.
Gourmia 1100 watt on amazon


With that being said, id put the cooker in a different container and have a couple pumps circulating the water to your collection pot container. I dont like putting potential ignition sources next to the cls


In hot water...

Although in this case a small water heater tank and a $50 hot water circulation pump would also work well.


I noticed 1 sous vide worked perfect in this application. Once i went jacketed 1 was no longer sufficient

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So you got by on one sous vide in an open tub? I just bought this, 40$ nib

I have not got to use it yet, i will this weekend.
I will be recovering from 6x30 collection, 1/2" lines to sieve and recovery,
anywhere from 5 to 13lbs of n-butane

Am i going to be undergunned?

Cover the top of the pot. It will help retain the heat better.

Even alumnium foil at the very least.


That one should do the trick! I always kick my sous vide up to 120-30F before i start recovering. It drops down into 80s usually before the sous starts keepin up

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You could use a silicone heating blanket or heat tape to heat the column directly. If you really want the professional look you can get a cloth style heating jacket (they have water proof options too).

A good heat source would be to put a heating elementt direcly in a 5 gallon insulated bucket with a coil and use a submersible pump to move your liquid to and from ur desired tank.
Youll need a $40 1500w heating element, a $35 inkbird controller, $30 submersible pump and $110 for the SS coil (50ft, 1/2" diameter).
$225 from amazon and its safe because u can have the heating element on the other side of ur wall and push the liquid through hoses

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