Gluebert: breeding, strain registration with a funny anecdote, backcrossing

I’m down to pop some testers for ya too! Best part of growing is popping new seeds in my opinion.

I sent yah a DM

Hell yes I’ll grab some if you’re still offering
Lol :fire:

Mighty kind of you! Thanks!

Count me in :call_me_hand:t3:

Until the feds legalize it, your trademark protection is limited to a state by state basis. Example you would have to trademark your strain in Michigan under michigans trademark laws, and defend that trademark in Michigan courts.

Disclaimer: I am a lawyer, this is not legal advice, just my smoke filled opinion

Sign me up for some beans my bro. :100:

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Ill givem a test drive

yo can i get a seed??

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How did the back cross go?

Tagged for interest.

That’s fucking incredible, you gotta patent your strains.