GLG meeting Tech Demo in Chicago Dec 5

Friendly reminder some airlines don’t serve drinks; not even water. If you get cotton mouth it’s finna to be a long ride.

Don’t even think about alcohol served on the flights. Make sure you pack for the trip

Chicago in December ?!?

Is there a Phoenix one in July?

The person deciding these dates and locations obviously isn’t a travel agent.


i was think it would be a fun little weedend vacation for the family then thought about the weather and thought bimini is nicer these times of the year!


We are throwing events all over the country. The locals in Illinois and the surrounding areas don’t care that its in December. They already live there in that weather.

Plus, @kifcure has an excellent indoor event space


Get a card for every major airline you use. Use google to get best rates then pay with corresponding airline credit card.

Bonus points for double dipping on hotel points and getting miles cuz you paid with the airline card. I travel for work amd get a few free vacations every year.


Ill be there if it happens because im nearby. But I think Il is going into lockdown mode. Our governor keeps suggesting things and the news and local govt lie and say its a governor order. He made a governor order in march, but in Il gov orders last 30 days. He got sued and lost so now he makes recommendations which the news calls a governors order.

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Looking forward to meeting everybody!


do i need to be in glg already to come to the meetup?


Nope! And if you decide the gang is a good fit for you, I’ll give you a nice cash discount in person at the meetup


I registered yesterday and have not received confirmation email back to confirm location. Looking forward to going. Flights are cheap and Chicago is a good time. Is the venue location set already? Want to start planning hotel .Thanks!

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Oregon is recommending stopping all non essential travel, are you going to ignore that?

It’s not just a decision about you. There’s the hotel staff, food service people, your friends and family, and the medical professionals who would have to take care of you. And if you or someone who goes to your event ends up in the hospital they’re taking a bed that could go to someone who had no choice about going out and being exposed.

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If Oregon has a lockdown in place next year when we plan on hosting the event, we will address that concern then.

When they close Walmart for all the concerns you listed then I will take their lockdowns seriously.


About 45 minutes South of the airport at one of @kifcure locations. Details will be sent closer to the event.

This. This. This.


Im not complaining that they let me shop for beer still, and dispensaries are open.

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Bump for this getting close :call_me_hand:t3:


I’ll be there. Looking forward to meeting everyone.


I saw you just requested I fo for a membership. Feel free to register now and pay 50% off in person at the meetup :call_me_hand:t3:


Dang. Sent the wire this morning!

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