***GLG Lobbying Group / Association***

It has a much cooler name and motto. :rofl: :joy:



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NCIA does put on some decent events, at least for the state I live in which has a nonexistent cannabis culture. I was just at one last week. It is good for networking, but their membership prices are ABSURD for the average person. They offer discounts to their own events if you are already a member :thinking: as well as on other random things.

We need a group that can fuck the system from the inside.


28th amendment is objective number 1. Nothing less. And not a side business to sell hats.



I’ve got some skills and talents that could be helpful to this cause. I’m still a little unclear about how you want to go about this though. Feel free to reach out.

First step I believe would be building a website.

Then find key sponsors for start up

Grow community

Incorporate nonprofit



I have seen a lot of attempts at starting groups like this. They never seem to get any traction. IDK why


Well, I don’t know about that but I’ve changed laws in my city, been to washington and wrote bills for the governor. It’s all about just doing the work.


I’m in! Not sure how to spear head this myself, but you have a faithful foot soldier here!


And the right to pay your taxes with said currency at a fixed rate of 2500 per on indoor Fuego. The green standard


The NCIA’s anti-traditional market cannabis attitude is a complete turn off for me. I was at their first meetings where you “booth” was a folding table in a hotel banquet room. Their stance in California is heavy on remediation of “illicit” grows and light on repealing of regressive taxes and regulations that prevent folks from becoming regulated. Follow on instagram and really read what they are saying. I think this is way more about corporate cannabis than supporting the industry.

I don’t know if we need another organization. There are a number of better groups that already exist. In the spirit of full disclosure I am on the advisory Board of the CBDIA Cannabinoid Industry Association for one. Here on this forum we already have an active constituency. I think it would be better to have a legislative response arm here on the forum. We can make those templates that write to your legislator, we can bring issues to the forum so that people know what is going on, we can recommend resources for local people fighting issues . . . we are already here. Where would be a good place for this @sidco ?


Because the NRA of cannabis doesn’t exist I don’t feel anything short of that is enough.
Amendment 28 or nothing.
I feel at this point cannabis is an American right and not a privilege.
Everything else is just too much other stuff.
And all agendas aside — take it old school all the way back.
Voters don’t need to get confused.

And with all due respect, if this had been formed before, we wouldn’t be wanting more.
So while their may be 10,001 groups, they clearly are not doing what I hope to do. What I want and think most of us want.


Fuck yeah! Treat cannabis the same as any other vegetable!


Agreed! If somebody wants to grow their own tomatoes and make their own pasta sauce at home, let them. If somebody uses pesticides on their tomatoes still and eats them, that is on them for not knowing how to grow tomatoes without the use of pesticides. If one wants to buy pasta sauce at the store then the companies putting it on the shelves should be regulated appropriately. Cannabis is not legal until everybody can grow it with impunity.


This times a thousand!


Annnnnnddddddd thennnnnn COVID HAPPENED…


Why not just call it the Good Life Gang and use the already known name and members?

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Rhetoric is the most important variable in politics, the name must clearly represent what and who the group represents.

I think there’s potential for this. MPP, NORML, HIA, are all struggling immensely due to varying reasons and the only alternatives are orgs founded/overtaken by MSOs and Scott’s Miracle Gro. We have a wide geographic footprint, competent operations that legislators & regulators can tour if needed, and the ability to effectively articulate our points. Heck I’ve been able to impact legislation just by myself, 100% remotely.

A lot of people won’t like hearing this, but we need to be a lobbying organization - NOT activists. Legalization is an inevitability everywhere, the only thing left to determine is how it’s implemented. There’s a high potential for near-term legislation that would greatly consolidate every market, which wouldn’t even be in the best interest of politicians, no matter what side of the aisle.