GLG Hash Bash 2023

Standard GLG meetup / sesh in Ann Arbor on the Saturday of Hash Bash

Also hosting a little locals cup (entries due this week, shoot me or @Dabbagepatchkidd a DM for entry info, or email her directly at proceeds from the cup split between a winners pot and the Weed for Warriors charity

Cup entries come with a free ticket to the event

GLG members sign up on the site, tickets for sale to the public GLG Michigan Tickets, Sat, Apr 1, 2023 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite

(Ticket price can applied to the cost of a membership, cash discounts apply)


Where’s the Edible category at?


I am so for this event! Amber is crushing it with the sesh and, first ever CUP! Who’s going to be there?


I will 100% be there. :smiley: One of my favorite Michigan events and a GLG party! HUZZAH!


I won’t be there, unfortunately. I’ll be getting ready for the Maine Event with @Dred_pirate and Nikka-T.
I know @future will be there. I’m sure we can expect some other Michigan friends as well



Looks like it could be fun


Michigan cats might be in for some trouble if you enter the cup :eyes:


How come? why fore? and all that. everyone should participate!

I dont know why specifically to Michigan but in Oregon most of these cannbis/growers cups are private unsanctioned events that are not approved by the OLCC and when you enter they have and olcc agent come take notes on who was there breaking the law and who entered their competition. Most of these events are filled with licensed operators handing out products or samples and then get slapped with fines and violations for not following the law. (in oregon there is no legal way to hand out product samples to the public even if it was purchased from a dispo and handed out.)

So my guess would be something along the lines of that but im not current with michigan laws and what they can do but i assume is as backwards and hard to be compliant as it is in oregon.


There’s no regulators at the drop off spots for samples. I’d be incredibly shocked if they even knew about the GLG or our private events.

I’ve never seen OLCC or any other regulators at any event I’ve ever hosted, unless they were pretty deep undercover I guess


i had no idea, he was even using an mLabs phone


In Michigan, it is 100% legal for you to give another adult cannabis. This is legal and there are legal ways to do it both in METRC and post-METRC activities. In METRC you can give things out to your employees, not an issue. post-METRC an adult can purchase the materials (or be given the materials as an employee) and then can give them to someone else.

There are “limits” to how much you can give to your employee each month. And there are some limits to how much you are supposed to carry on your person at any one time. However, those limits are more than 28 grams for flower. :slight_smile:

Michigan is kind of awesome in this way. The legalization in 2008 and then again in 2018 really considered the individuals rights to “share” with his friends. Which includes sharing anything that came from a dispensary.

Now if you didn’t have an employee willing to give away their share (it happens) or you didn’t have access to a dispensary that had your product on the shelf that an adult could buy to share - it would be VERY difficult to do this in a compliant manner. :slight_smile:

But damn - if you aren’t your own METRC employee and willing to do this, WTF.

And if you aren’t in a single dispensary in the state… well fuck man… competing in a cannabis cup with GLG is probably not going to help your business enough… but maybe. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fucking sucks that people would be weird about things in Oregon. I heard most states don’t have good “sampling” programs. There are a lot of different sampling programs here in Michigan and I appreciate all of them. Especially since that means I can send my employees home with our latest and greatest to get feedback from them. I always thought of it as a perk - but its also great marketing and excellent data collection opportunity. <3


All the hash at GLG events is 100% legally sampled out and from the state where the event is taking place


We allow processors licenses to do “In house quality control samples” 5 grams per production batch is allowed to be sampled and given to employees only, these are untagged samples but tracked in metrc. You can also do trade samples that are allowed to be given to another licensed wholesaler or dispensary and these have metrc tags.

There is no compliant way in oregon to hand out samples to a judge of a competition unless its sanctioned by the OLCC.

However its usually the people that sign up as vendors for the shows that get in trouble as they are openly handing out products for consumption and a lot of times also providing the device in which they are consuming the said product.

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It’s their way of participating and being “cool”

Nwcc is dead, take what you can get I guess lol

I remember the days I could show up at any time or day, any rip or dab and do business.

Sometimes you just wanna get high and see cool animals.


I’ll be there and I believe my company is a sponsor for it (or maybe that’s another event… my partner handles all that shit).

The visit will be short lived for me though. Got a metric fuck ton of work to do lol

But, it’ll be nice to meet up with some members :call_me_hand:t3::call_me_hand:t3::call_me_hand:t3:


I wanted to do this but I’ve had the samples on my counter for a little less than a month now and even sent out “uh whats going on?” Emails weeks ago (23rd and the 28th) to see what was up with no response then just got one this morning saying it needs to be mailed immediately? No bueno. Anyone else dealt with this? Its hard to go from weeks of radio silence to “oh better buy a plane ticket” when you have a family.

Woulda been fun though - whoever was manning the communications dropped the ball big time.


You were (weren’t) talking with @Dabbagepatchkidd ?

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Anyone else having comms issues? Everyone else I’ve spoken with isn’t having issues, if you are please contact me directly

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Thank you for bringing this to attention, I am sincerely sorry that there was lapse in communication on how to submit your samples. All out of state submissions would have needed to be mailed per the Entry Rules in the GLG Cup drive. I am unsure of the plane ticket issue? To allow adequate time for judging I would not have been able to intake samples at or close to the event.

As I stated in the email I sent you personally this morning, I am more than happy to accept your submissions and hold off on distributing the judges kits a couple days to allow your participation. However if you are unable or uninterested in participating due to the delay, I fully understand and hope to serve you better in the future :blue_heart: