Glass for sale (customs available) Slabby’s back?!

What up future fam! It’s been a year or 2 since my last post. Been really dialing it in! Finally confident enough to share some pieces with you guys. Rigs, incyclers, pipes, spinner caps, Slurper sets, dabbers, spinner cap dabbers. Honestly glass game kinda shit itself and sales significantly fell off so I’m hoping my old fam might be interested in some glass! Not sure why everything weed related is doing so bad right now but it is…
Check out some of my work guys I’m proud of my journey so far! I also have an IG with a TON more pics of pretty much my entire journey.
Here’s just a small snippet of not the best pics lol. If you’re interested in my IG shoot me a dm!

This ones @Dred_pirate spinner cap dab tool! :point_up:


Looking fire


Thank you!


I wanted to change your title to “Slabby’s dabby’s”:rofl:. Nice work brother!


Hahah that’s almost good enough to warrant an ig name change lol

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