Is there anyone here who blows glass for a living/hobby/in general? Looking for a custom made rig and quartz banger with quartz carb cap. If anyone does this, let me know in DM’s. Thank you.
Is there anyone here who blows glass for a living/hobby/in general? Looking for a custom made rig and quartz banger with quartz carb cap. If anyone does this, let me know in DM’s. Thank you.
May want to put this outside of the EC if you actually want any responses. The timer won’t help you either. I’m happy to switch the category for you, if you’re unable to do that yourself.
Yes please
I lost level 3 so i cant do shit.
Where would this go?
Got the category changed, but we’ll need a @trust_level_4 to take the timer off. Didn’t want to let me do that.
Thanks boss
Also how do i get back to lvl 3?
Keep on doing the same things you did to get there before. Read, read, read. Get some likes from 5 different users. Don’t get flagged too much. It’ll probably take a while for the flags you received to “time out” and be cleared off your stats. That’s probably the only thing you have keeping you from being level 3 again.
It tracks the last 100 days. Not too many flags in the next 3 months should fix that for ya.
Thanks @Killa12345! Much appreciated.
Thank you.
I believe tje flags have worn off for rn
Probably need to really look into specific artists and what you want - go back to IG for that. There’s some heady peeps here to be sure but the community you really want is going to be more Insta or even Reddit driven. What’s your budget, what style of rig, etc. Happy to take any messages and shoot you to any number of friends.
The torch talk Facebook group is where you’ll find your lampworker and/or quartzworker, most of the heady boys of reddit and ig post techniques there.
Quartz requires higher temps than boro/soft glass so a lot of people don’t mess with it. Some boro torches can do it but takes a lot of fuel to get there so you’re probably going to search to find someone who is good at both.
I got a real good friend who blows. https://subconsciousdesignglass.com/ if you wanna check some shit out and give him a shout.