GL45 to 24/40 bottle cap adapters?

Anyone make a reasonably priced GL45 to glass joint adapter? The ones I’m seeing online are 100+ dollars for a freaking plastic bottle cap.



I could make you a ptfe one in that size for that price. I wont be back to work till the 1st though.


Honestly if I can’t find any cheap ones I would rather send money to you then buy this one online.

I’ve been kind of lucky scouring eBay for cheap adapters like this but no luck on this one


Just let me know if you need anything, happy holidays!

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funny I am looking for this and this thread came up on google

find any for the cheap?

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What is this for

turns the cap of your media storage bottle into a 24/40 glass connection. I want to use it to vacuum filter with my buchner what goes into the bottle.


I bet @david can get these made

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Watch out for large flat bottom bottles under vac, they tend to implode.


yup. ive already ruined a pyrex 10L… on to kegs now lol

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Anyone ever find a good solution for this? I’ve been searching for a reasonably priced GL45 to 24/40 adapter for ages.

If you can get me a good detail drawing for the gl-45 side I can make a cad file and have one quoted in ptfe or acetal


P.S. For the Tri-Clamp female joint, make sure to select the 1.5" Tri-Clamp x 24/40 Female option (on the product page in ShopBVV, the images of the 1.5" and 2" seem to be swapped by mistake, if you zoom in you can see the image on the 2" is labeled as 1.5", and vice versa).

Also, I couldn’t post links or include media, otherwise I would have included the exact links and an image of mine attached to a GL45 bottle.
I also couldn’t edit my post since its pending approval, hence the double post. Sorry.

Just signed up to give the solution that works for me when I want to rotovap using a GL45 bottle.

I bought one of these for $30: look for the “Stainless Steel Tri-Clamp x Female Joint Adapter” on shopbvv website.
Then used an open-top GL45 cap which are plentiful on Ebay and Amazon).
And a silicone seal for GL45 caps (cheaper on Amazon, look for “Silicone Seal Ring for GL45 Open Top Screw Cap”)

  • Put the silicone seal/ring around the neck of the stainless steel adaptor
  • Slide the neck of the adaptor through the open top cap from the bottom
  • Thread the cap onto the GL45 bottle.

It might be a bit finicky at first to make sure the O-ring makes a good seal, and there isn’t a good way to clip a male 24/40 joint to it using a keck clip, but if you’re pulling a vacuum and using a little vacuum grease, then it works like a charm.

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Picture? Say more than a 1000 words
Trick of the trade tread worthy if you ask me post it there as well please

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Picture? Say more than a 1000 words

You’re right about that. The forum was preventing me from adding links, images or attachments since I was a new member.

Edit: God damnit, its still preventing me from adding links, lol.

Multiple errors occurred: 1) Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post. 2) Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.

I have this nice post written up with images and product links, damn.

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I posted it on a gist…

Mod edit: (link)


Hmmm arggg that’s not working
Sending you a dm to find a solution

Those are great finds man, thank you!


Weird. It works for me.
Here’s a base64 encoded link


If you’re on a linux or OSX, go to your terminal and run

echo ‘aHR0cHM6Ly9naXN0LmdpdGh1Yi5jb20vamh5bGFuZDg3LzYzOTA5OWViN2YzN2EwOWJhYTZjYWU5N2JiOWE2MjQwCg==’ | base64 --decode

Or an admin can permit my account to post links, lol.