GIve a small-scale cart filling setup for around 1500 USD

2000 grams total batch
clear terps into about 500 grams HTE then stirred into 1500 grams liquid diamonds
Do it 3-5 times a week. Biggest batch I’ve done is 6000 grams because the biggest breaker I have is 8 liters. HTE sees no heat other than residual from the 80 c d9 then I just stir it up. It’s easy as shit. All you got to do is pour the hot d9 into the vessel that already has HTE so you’re not fighting d9 stuck to the side of the vessel. You are welcome to the lab any time you are in town :+1:


How long is that 2 liter mix taking you? Are you running only one batch a day?

Can you guarantee that? I’m sure that’s just a sales point some tell their customers. Im sure Mct oil and hemp cutt are harmless too. :man_facepalming:t3:

This is why I only smoke medicine made by people using the absolute best methods. My health is worth more than a few dollars.


10 minutes to mix it up and I have my lab tech do like 6 batches that need to be ready in just a few hours all the time. Can’t say he loves that though :joy:

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Your tech should count their blessings that you dont have them mixing and filling multiple batches a day.

For all the other labs forced to do multiple flavor changes each day, mixing becomes the ultimate bottleneck, costing hours of time. Trying to time mag mixes is also tricky, as the people doing the timing have tons of other tasks to manage.

The homigenizer mixes in 15-45 seconds on demand. The bottleneck becomes cleaning the shafts, and with a second shaft that is negligible. Cleaning takes 5 minutes, and with a french press about 3. In an un ideal world you save at least 2 minutes per batch, and if you are efficient your total time dedicated to mixing is cut in half.

2000 carts with snap tops and an amazon leather cutter is a 45-60 minute task. Thats almost 20% of your labs filling time waiting on an even mix. Thats between 20-30% of the time your precious hte is exposed to high temps. This is where a homogenizer shines.

Heating your decarbed thca in the microwave to 80-90 c, starting the mix, and then adding the hte to the mixing cannabinoids saves over 9 minutes of high heat time on your hte. If using a 50c beaker heater to facilitate pouring hte, you lose a few minutes but save yourself the hassle of scraping hte.

Your blend is at the perfect viscosity for filling right out of mixing, and the time spent in your filling machine becomes the largest source of heated time. If you split that 2l batch into 4, you can spend 16minutes of heat time MAXIMUM per cart. This opens up many more possibilities, like rosin jelly incorporated into your carts without heavy degradation.

Your mixer would also have time to catch up capping after each blend, as the veevor churns through a hundred carts per minute. The filler can remain focused on their task until they fatigue, and the two swap tasks for the next few blends. Most fillers can stay productive for an hour without fatigue, however.


Then buy the Sharrb stainless barrel and still save $800. The cart farmer is a waste of money for a person at this scale. Hell, even the metered syringe is overkill for this scale, but it’ll take an hour long task and turn it into something that can be done in under 5 minutes.

He’d spend more time cleaning a farmer than using it, and the transfer loss at his scale would be substantial.

The biggest reason to not buy a farmer, though, is because @qma is terrible at customer service, and generally, at being a decent human being. I wonder how many times someone sent him money for their item to be backordered(drop-shipped)? I bet 50 shot and these other companies have the same problem right? Nothing like buying equipment to get a job done next week that doesn’t show up for over a month.

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I didn’t even pay $200 for my cart farmer with heat pad. Got my heat pad on Alibaba for $37 and I got my cart farmer gun and reservoir for $125 when he just introduced it 5 years ago. Haven’t had to replace a gasket yet.

Even now all 3 pieces can be bought for around $300. Not sure any parts for the cart farmer are drop shipped. I could be wrong.

I like how you call @qma a terrible human being. How long have you known him? Have u ever met him in person? You know his family?? Ahhh. I see, you know his only persona. :joy::rofl::joy:

I’ve had two different expensive homogenizers and neither one of them is capable of mixing room temp HTE with 80 c distillate. My real world experience running a lab is that the homogenizer sit in the corner because I would rather stir shit up for 5-10 minutes then get one of those things sticky. Especially considering the homogenizer requires heating everything far more than hand stirring does. I stand by what I said that they are a total waste of money.

I’ve never seen a lab we’re mixing. Is the bottleneck even the labs running cart farmers (remember I’ve bought a bunch of those) The bottleneck is filling and capping. Your calculations are all race mode times. No lab tech is going to sit there and squeeze out 2000 carts an hour for you 8 days a week and you don’t have an endless rotation of people to cycle through. Usually you have one to three lab people and a handful of packagers. In all the labs I’ve run and consult at mixing has never been even close to the bottleneck. It may be theoretically, but in practice mixing takes almost no time at all and there is no heat involved other than letting the distillate heat up which is time they are doing other stuff.

I do love the cart farmer though and would say that is absolutely money well spent. I’ve seen easily a half million in filling equipment that is garbage be replaced by cart farmers and production skyrocket.


I have met him in person, but your thread isn’t about our squable. Even if I hadn’t met him in person, I’ve talked to him enough times and been the recipient of his stellar behavior so I stand by what I said. Ymmv.

I got the homie hookup so it’s comparable you’re a moron. The cart farmer has only existed for 3 years, and in that same time I’ve never had to replace a gasket on an Allflex either. Wow magic. How often you using that thing?

I’ll admit he probably isn’t drop-shipping them, but he also isn’t keeping sufficient stock in, an issue not to be had with the other companies.

I’d go dig up some of his stellar customer interactions or his statements about why he had to hire a customer service professional at one point, something to the effect of his customers could all go fuck themselves, but I just don’t care enough.

I like the reference to the cf 50, which is still going to cost him more than twice as much as an Allflex with a stainless steel barrel.

Hell, he can go with a purpose driven model and still come in almost $150 cheaper with this…

Are you mad because I finally got sick of your passive aggressive bullshit and called you out on it?

50 shot doesnt even stock dispensers and thedistillategun is out of business. When items are backordered, I allow the backorders because people will call me and beg me to take their money. If the backorder hangs too long I eat the refund fee and cancel the order. It’s obvious you don’t shop with me because customer service is my advertisement strategy. I get a single digit percentage of sales from future, and less than 20% of my sales from google. The main bulk of my sales come from people who were at their wits end and phoned a friend.

Btw thanks for exposing your reddit handle

Can you shoot a 0.6 or top up on a sharb?

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I posted todays CF50 price… from the website retard! since we are calling people morons. Wow, and the cart farmer has only existed since 2020… really?? do you ever give the right information… And i use it probably as often as you use one… how does your allflex plastic look after 3 years??/ perfect like the day you bought it huh? cause i know mine dont after a few uses…

the same pieces would cost you 340 compared to the $280 of your sharrb filler… how does that thing work on .5 carts or less… can that thing fill disty capsules like i posted above… as low as 150mg consistanly… so for $60 more to get a gun that can micro dose anything i want is not worth it??? your just giving people bad information because of your dislike of @qma. Petty! LOL suggest the 3 best option too… LOL

And before you say I don’t own both. Here is both


The 50 shot is absolute garbage completely fucking useless. I would rather fill carts one by one with a glass syringe then use the 50 shot, and I have indeed made that decision in the lab as well before I got a cart farmer.


Just used a glass syringe last night. No homogenizer, 40 ml batches in a 50 ml beaker. I went through 4 strains and didnt have to do any cleaning until the end of everything

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I can mix and fill a single cart with a butter knife


You can get terps for a single cart from @Realterpsmatter. That and a butter knife and you got a cart business for $50. Why buy anything more


My reddit handle?

Anyway, show me this $340 cart farmer. Do you mean if you buy it with the pieces that came out wrong?

I’ll just leave that there.

I mean you got me though… if you need to fill .3ml you need to look into an allflex um-t. If you need to fill .3ml of straight disty get a cf50, or maybe reconsider your business plan.

Look at the photo above genius. You’re not good at this.

The gun is $120. The reservoir is $120 and the heat pad and controller is $100.

When I bought it. The price of the gun was $75 and the reservoir was $50. I got my heat pad and controller on Alibaba express and I’m sure I’ve posted the link 10x. Inflation has happened in all industries. I guess I’m lucky I was an early adopter in 2018-2019ish. Definitely way before 2020. Lol.

I use my cart farmer more for disty pills than I use it to fill carts. And I can make 150mg capsules repeatedly and consistently. So now you’re suggesting I look at another allflex micro dosing filler when I can do it all with my cf50. Great suggestion. You just like costing people money. This is why the industry is in such a tight spot. You have people suggesting inferior products and companies because of their dislike of the owner. Lol.

That’s why I use it. The few pods I fill a year pails in comparison to the disty pills I make to medicate

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June of 2019… much closer to 3 years than 5, but okay.

Check your own information. You can’t get a farmer for less than $365, with an off spec barrel. $420 with the right barrel. So $140 difference for a machine that has no way of keeping the shot your about to fire hot, so you can’t stop once you start or it might clog up without a heat gun handy.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the cart farmer has a place in the industry, it’s just too bad @qma is the one selling it, because his behavior doesn’t.

Cart farmers have been openly availible to all floridians since august of 2018

You can prove that?