Giant Diamonds Market Question

I have a jar of some very large THCa diamonds. I was wondering what the market value was for a large diamond vs THCa isolate that is powder or the size of sand. Does the value of THCa increase a lot the larger the diamonds are (like in the precious gemstone market)?

Package them like this



If it’s sold as a novelty you can definitely charge more. Anyone who is gonna break them down to sell themselves will think it’s super cool the first time then come back wanting them smaller. If you can find a rich person who dabs the novelty of a big diamond to show off can command a pretty penny. I’ve sold a few very well off people some big (50-500 gram well formed crystals) that they just keep to flex on their friends. Not a huge market though.

They are a pain to break down once terped so the novelty wears off quick for anyone smoking them.


Thca is about 2x the price of d9.
Thca diamonds are about 1.5x the price of thca isolate.