Hey everybody, I’m trying to get my extract looking lighter. Money is tight so I’m working with food grade d e and carbon so far. I’m using 190 etoh and a rotovap. I’m getting good clarity but a deep red color. It was a room temp extraction that I condensed and winterized. I also have some bleaching earth that I haven’t tried yet. What would you do with it if you couldn’t spd it? I’m trying to make vapable full spectrum from low quality hemp (9.5% cbd) and all brown and crispy. But it’s organic and 1/8 the price of the good shit. Do people like red cbd vape oil?
If I sold this batch I could get more equipment
Not spd yet though. Next things I buy will be to enable cryo extraction.
Looks like potential oxidation products, which appear to be stubborn to remove with anything other than spd.
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