Getting the girls cleaned up for some activities.. 2x SRI 8610Cs that is

Said it would be a “better” choice bc if the smaller frame as well.

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I’d really like an auto sampler to take the human factor out.


I just have this weird thing about equipment being in the shop before it is fully understood and has a procedure to follow. Learning is my favorite hobby but it clouds production considerably.

If equipment is at the shop and not in storage it is plugged in and has a purpose with a well written procedure day 1. I have found that if stuff like this does not have the above it can disrupt the flow of production and efficiency across the board for months.

People come up what’s that?
It’s for testing…
Testing what?
Yadda yadda

Also makes a bad first impression at times coming off as more intimidating to those that don’t naturally figure stuff out in there own.

Lastly, I cannot let @Killa12345 and @tokesandtinkery have nicer homelabs than I do atm lol


Looks like cobra is the way to go here. There are 3-4 on ebay right now for 700-800 bones.

Too bad the AS91 and AS91 Controller I got with the bundle doesn’t work with em.

Edit: I think it was Hugh or one of the other sri reps that recommended the cobra a while back.


Anyone have experience with these ECDs? Looks like pesticides are the only cannabis related use. If I can find the setup I’ll keep one and take a shot at the pesticides.

Didn’t realize these ECDs sell for 6800 new from sri…

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Maybe you can trade them in for a tiny credit on the other pieces you need to get up and running.

I’m glad the seller we bought ours from sent in ours to Sri to get fully checked out and made sure it was running like new.

I love my machine. I really should have got one of these sooner

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Sample prep is tough for pesticide analysis using GCMS/LCMS. Even more so if you’re using GC-ECD. It will be quite the extensive clean-up, and is only really viable for chlorinated pesticides.

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I appreciate the input. This is what I have gathered in the little time alloted to looking into it. I will be selling both ECDs in that case


Just got off the phone with Doug at SRI.

They do not have any credit or buy back etc for these but man, stand up guy.


We’re definitely a little far away from cost-effective, in-house testing for pesticides… but nothing’s impossible! Seeing a ton of interest for in-house heavy metals, however. And that isn’t too bad at all if using AAS or other cheaper instrumentation.

Did Doug have any insight on the application?

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I explained my general situation and that I had two of the units identical to their greenhouse gas testing setups. He recommended selling the units and buying a 310 as that would be a better financial move, easier etc.

But he’s also a jeep man and most of our 26 min convo was about our shared passions for tinkering. Lol

Edit: Also he was only aware of one company/setup concerning a MS rig that was a viking I believe from the earlier 90s and was unaware of any current setups.

Did not recommend ECD for pesticide applications.

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Called the company. Guy I spoke with was not knowledgeable and kept telling me to look on the site when the info is not on the site. When asking specifics of where to find said info on the site he said… on the site. And gave me the domain again.

He did say the MS from that article “that he thought he remembered doing” was no longer available but “a newer generation that is the same” is available and he was “pretty sure” it would work with SRI but not positive.

He said the price for this new smokewagon was “roughly maybe about 40 thousand.”


Edit:This is the “company”