Gassy and skunky terpenes

Its just like anything else. Its a concentrate so each state has different amounts of what you can possess. I believe NY has taken the cake on that one.

If you get CDT which are ND for all cannabinoids then there’s no limit to what you can possess, legal state or not


Yes…you ain’t wrong there. Definitely have some jars right now with more HTE than THCa. Just a hand pour there will do the trick when they’re that plentiful. Just started running live too…talk about terpene volume…fucken A right

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The crude from my last year’s outdoor comes out so wet it wont crash no matter what i do to it. Ima run a test its gotta be like 40-50% terps

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Im pretty sure the hempire building category is for hemp stuff. Maybe this would be better suited in a non-hemp-specific want to buy category?

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Could the THCa have decarbed to THC? Thatll always stop a crash


No its from almost fresh whole (seeded) plants hand bucked and ran -30 or better the whole time. I could probably seed it with big rocks and get it to accumulate that way but i like how it turned out. Weve been making “live” carts with it up to 30% cut.

Its similar to what the full spectrum (1:1) crude does where it doesnt want to crash because neither cannabinoid is concentrated enough to precipitate or dissolute - but this is thc-a dominant crude HTE


Boom. Seed oil. Oil from seeds inhibits the shit out of a crash


Can they test for that? They probably have a reference standard for hempseed oil?


btw whats the BP of hempseed oil?

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I’m a highschool drop out who runs shed tek. Its just impressive I can speak clearly, so unfortunately BP of most substances is well out of my wheel house.


Has anyone ever tried distilling off the aromatics in Hemp seed oil? My university used HSO to lubricate the elevator I could never figure it out. I legit thought people were blazing in the elevator on the way to chemistry labs :joy:

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Yeah I was going to suggest this. It’s a lot of unsaturated fatty acids. Palmitic acid, linolenic acid esters, etc. Same stuff that’s in most unsaturated fat plant oils.


Right there with ya pal…


Eybna have some tasty terpenes - OG Kush, skunky and gassy enhancers too.


I like the skunk, good sense of humor.