Hello all!
I know there are a few gasket-related threads out and about, and I think I’ve read most of 'em though I’m sure I’ve missed a few. I wanted to start this one specifically to ask about any tips or tricks anyone may have in regard to seating their gaskets on their closed loop systems, with a slight focus on the material columns themselves.
I don’t know if it’s just that I suck , or if there’s something that wasn’t taught to me during my very brief training period, but for the life of me, I just can’t get the solid PTFE gaskets that the lead extractor at this lab has a preference for to work consistently.
Is it the gasket? I’ve read in several different threads here that solid PTFE gaskets are a PITA to work with, is that right? Is there anything I can do to get them to seal more consistently?
When I seat them, they seat well. The flatcap goes right on and the gasket slips into the grooves of the ferrule and seats fully. I vac the column down though the gauge isn’t too precise, and I don’t believe the vac pump really pulls a deep vac, or if it would even be a good thing to pull a deep vac, but regardless it seems like there’s at least a somewhat decent seal.
However, randomly/sporadically the lead extractor will have some columns leak on them, and obviously this infuriates them. I do everything as they taught me to, and they’re not particularly forthcoming, to say the least, regarding advice about this, so I figured I would turn to you wonderful folks, and kick off a gasket-tips thread!