Gallons of Biomin Zinc, Manganese, Iron, and Boron Nutrient Supplement ($5/gallon)

Item Model/Manufacturer: Biomin
Description: Biomin Manganese, Zinc, Iron, and Boron O
Price/MSRP: $5/gallon
Current location of item: Niwot, CO
Estimated lead time: 0 days
Fulfillment: Local pickup only (cannot be shipped via air)
User support / Warranty: None

Hi all,

The company I work for is trying to free up warehouse space and we’re sitting on ~25 gallons of each nutrient supplement (Biomin Manganese, Iron, Zinc, and Boron O) which we used to grow hemp 3 years ago.

I spoke to technical support at Biomin and they said the product is good to use for up to 5 years.