Fusarium solutions

So I came upon needing to figure this out and now I have but while doing the searching either here or on the basement I came to realize there isn’t much even talked about in terms of keeping clean practice to mitigate it either. So I wrote a little sop that will be good to pass around.

Preventative measures for fusarium

  • Tossing every single plant that has fusarium as you cannot save it only treat soil or area it was exposed to the fungus and spores.
  • Clean all surfaces any soil has touched and remove all plastic inserts to be soaked in solution of rootshield. Keep in mind spores can become airborne as well so a deep cleaning is needed for all ancillary equipment and constant equipment (a/c, dehu, humidifier, tables, tanks, fans, the whole setup).
  • Do not reuse anything that has a porous painted surface as you will only be reintroducing it to other parts of the grow.
  • Rinse away solution then drench in sanitate and rinse after 15-20 minutes.
  • This has to be done to just about every surface that has plastic/ metal. Including rinsing down the walls.
  • Scrubbing only allows spores to become airborne so they need to be drenched to cover and cease growth the. rinsed/washed away. And vacuumed up. If we had a floor drain/in ground sump drain this would be much easier of course.
  • Starting fresh with either strictly rockwool with automation or feed 2x a day with hand water or sterilized coco/soil medium with a neutral ph.
  • Only cut with sterilized and cleaned tools!!!
  • Keep drenching 1” away from main stems! Do not soak the stem it will overtime become susceptible to rot if continuously stays moist
  • Inoculate with mycorrhiza EVERY transplanting or up potting to ensure the roots do not lag and you are feeding microorganisms and beneficial bacteria’s/ hormones to the plant which will ensure it has a strong immune system and growth start through each stage of life. (Myco deters and eats the fusarium fungus spores)
  • Feed with worm casting/microbe tea once per life cycle change to keep beneficial organisms fed and protecting the root systems for prime uptaking of micro and macro nutrients.
  • Foliar 4-5 days a week with 90-120ml per gal ipm and .5-.75ml per gal fulvic acid, humid acid to garuntee high growth rates and strong healthy plants that thrive with the beneficial bacteria that naturally deters bad bacteria & fungus. (Can be done all the way up to week 4/5 of flowers).
  • Rootshield plus can be used to treat areas at a rate of 5oz per gal (142g of powder)

Hopefully anyone who ever has to deal with this shit can now sort it much quicker.

Damn bro. Sounds like a rough day.


You need actinovate or some other type of streptomyces. Then figure out where the problem is coming from. Contaminated soil. Water temps etc.


And in my experience dealing with fusarium the biggest issue is diagnosing early enough before it kills your plants

Always be smelling your roots. They should smell green like a carrot or something similar. If roots are discolored and smell sour or funky you got a problem.

Check for crown rot at the soil line.

May be a co-morbidity or whatever but in my experience I’ve noticed what looks like a slight nutrient issue and the edges of the leafs fading during early signs of symptoms showing.

I’d agree with you on using the root shield. Trichaderma is better outcompeting other “pathogenic” fungi and been using it for years

While not specifically listed buevaria seems to work as a drench as well. You get a sar response in the plant like regalia and it acts as a plant growth promoter but I’ve read studies where b.b may be beneficial in treating fusarium.


Or just spray Eagle 20 :joy:

Just kidding, never use this!!!

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We found which mom it was coming from and had culled her, now been getting rid of every clone she made that’s still in rotation and killing off teens we had. Had to compile a few practices to keep this shit away now. But I did notice that we were not inoculating for the last few months so it really got to take hold on some of our runs and now that I know and have been able to implicate precautions for it all we’re no longer having to deal with the unfortunate shit show.

I love the addition to bioworks so please anyone who has a comment to add for this by all means that’s why I posted this so we can all collectively drop info on our experience and how it worked out.

Physan 20 is quite powerful as a disinfectant. It also leaves a residue that is supposed to have a residual effect. I like ozone generators for empty rooms as well.

For outdoor growers who have a cold winter that usually kills off soil borne diseases, if you leave your plastic mulch or weed fabric down and weeds grow around the edges of it, disease will overwinter.

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Avid would be better in this situation. I’ll see my way out lol.
But I find it fascinating how it Abamectin is a fermented streptomyeces in that regards the organic no till crowd should love it

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Back to treatments for a second.

I forget where we did the testing but one farm had an issue from all around. It was an old cherry orchard and I think also a potato farm and there were issues all over the place. They only did more to help the problem then solve it like try to reuse soil and thought water magentos that rusted out where good solutions.

Other places it seems to be coming from the water. Adding uv filtration and ensuring your stored water stays under 70 degrees seems ideal. You either need a chiller or a cool room to keep your reservoir/fertigation setup in.


Fusarium- You’ve got to dial in your environment to prevent it. I’ve seen people try to bleach their entire facility including pots, cloners, and hardware to try to get rid of it unsuccessfully.

The only biostimulant that I’ve seen that helps is Regalia (5% knotweed extract). You can get 10:1 knotweed extract cheaply from China.

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Will that stuff we discussed you’ve got up your sleeve help?

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Yes, but with cGMP, the holdup is our production timeline. I can’t get pet projects through with human health products running. Let me ask our operations manager.

The other option for is to outcompete the fusarium in the root zone with products like OGBiowar. It’s not going to help cloners or clean scissors, though. You have to clean constantly to try to get yields back up.


Potasiumpermanganete drench
I would look at


Heard good things about Mycostop, could also be worth a shot.

Ive had good success treating other diseases with biofungicides.


@Cheebachiefextracts Sent you a gallon of fulvic and resveratrol to help your potted plants. It might help in the cloner, but most folks end up throwing them away once established.

I’ve only known it as an oxidizer to get rid of cocaine alkaloids. I would imagine it would have to be exceptionally diluted to not harm the roots.

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I absolutely love you brother you’re amazing and I thank you a million times over!

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Yes one gram on 250 L is enough
It breaks down to Harmless compounds