FTL X-75 Cartridges (dental ceramic snap tops)

Would completely depend on amount of terps and the ifferent compounds used. Like if it’s 10% pg and 10% terps that are in a pg solution (most terps are coming dissolved in some sort of carrier so that would be 10% pg 10% terp cut) then that distillation run is gonna be funky and what you yield could very well be un runnable

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never ever use pg just terps and disty

Just giving an example. But also very common for terps to contain pg or something similar in their solution

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A certain “amped up” terp is reported to have pg


That means Floraplex.

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Sorry for my lack of activity and slow reply, and thanks for the positive feedback. I can’t believe how old this thread is, before I noticed… It shows how burried I am. So i’m going to reply to a lot here.

I’ll do my best to reply to comments in the thread 1 by one:

The one thing I don’t know is if they come in a loading tray to save time. I’ll have to ask their sales person. Has anyone else tried them?

Our racks can come configured for any device: T&D IZR/ACF1, we are almost done making the rack for ATG Monoblox

How many did you buy to get them for 2$ i bought a pack of 100 and I paid 4$each.

The prices are on the website, in CAD.


Again, I have not reviewed the FTL and am interested in trying. But I have found the press top to more easily tolerate vacuum lock and I’ve found the oval ports to work better. So those features are not avaiablbe on the FTL.

Would love to get you samples. I can’t speak for the round vs oval hole, but we’ve found the Triangle hole to result in less lossage. We’ve also curved the tank, where the hole is. It’s not a 90 degree any more, this helps reduce lossage even further. Performance wise, aside from final product lossage, the shape seems mostly meaningless (by our tests)

The FAQ page talks about the major differneces between ours and our competitors, but in a nuthsell:

Our tanks use Zirconia instead of industrial ceramic, we use Viton instead of silicone, and we use Quartz coils instead of traditional ceramic coils.

We also offer the ability to tailor a cart to match your oil, which I don’t think any competitors are doing quite yet.


Hey, at least it’s not mineral oil or vite e.:roll_eyes:

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I made a post about how we now offer 3 viscosities of cartridges, and the ability to configure a new cart to match any oils that don’t perform well with one of the 3.

Check it out! Hopefully it helps some people out.

You can also view the website page here.

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@StoneD I tried these out too and liked them. only complaint I got from handing out 4 of my 5 samples was airflow wasn’t as good as ascent. maybe that was on a bamboo tip though. thought they looked great too the dental ceramic is a nice pearly white

Thanks for the post,… I requested a Low viscosity pack as I had leaking issues using HTFSE in the standard X-75 carts


I made sure to push all sample orders through today, so they’ll go out either in the next few hours or tomorrow morning. You should get an email with tracking soon™


We’ve heard about the airflow being a concern from other customers. Our posts are Thicc, aint no denying that.

With that said, there have been some slight improvements to this in the last few improvement cycles.

If you want to fill out the request form, I’ll make sure you get 10 more pieces in the viscosity of your choice to try out.

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i just cant see paying $2k more per 2k carts

they better come with a handy:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Maybe one of your customers will be so thankful you upgraded your carts that they’ll offer you this aforementioned favor for free.

Or maybe not. But you’ll never know until you try.


send me some to try…why am i the only person not getting a free sample…i messaged u whilw back asking for sample

Woah woah woah… You did?
I have no idea why you wouldn’t get a sample :frowning:

I’ll DM you right now


I actually just filled one last night… Let the testing begin!


circle cell holes instead oval does this effect anything


It hits hella nice for me. BUT it’s not really viscus. The bubble moves slowly, and perceptively so it’s not thicc

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Any updates coming for the batteries? The hole in the contact plate allows the oil to get into the battery when the cartridge leaks