FTL X-75 Cartridges (dental ceramic snap tops)

Along with hair, dirt, tiny black specs and foam that come along inside the barrel. I have gone through about 6000 units and I just moved to a different cart

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There’s another producer that makes a quartz cell like the Qcell and I have had close to zero leaks. Very smooth vapor and wicking doesn’t seem to be a problem even with something as thick as D8.

I’m not happy with the Ascent carts I got. Too fragile, the glass tends to break easily and I’ve had quite a few leaking issues too. Had terrible leak issues with the Qcell too. FWIW i think the AVD test carts I tried have beat out every single other mfgr aside from maybe ccell.

Has anyone besides OP used these FTL carts?


I have used them, out of 20 carts 2 leaked. I now store them upside down when not using them. I think the ones that leaked might of been from the oil being a bit more runny.

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Hits hard, quality cart. I got a small sample batch to test. No tray, but with the small quantity I would not expect one. The holes to the wick are nearest to the bottom I have seen, and the center stem is sloped, instead of the normal right angle that oil does get stuck onto.

I would recommend this based on a test batch. Quality seems consistent.

I am new to “all ceramic” carts. I get that one may refill it but how does one know when the wick has kicked it? Burnt popcorn … or does something horrible result?

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It starts leaking dark streaks into the tank While tasting like ass

The ascents are back to quality they once were I have ordered 15k no issues what so ever.


same here. my last replacement order all seem to be back to previous quality


Thanks for your reply @qma . Is this just how Quartz wicks “die”? No more than two refills on a 1 ml cart? … or less, just one? I ask because I actually encourage my customers to bring carts back for refill. It’s an odd practice, esp. now, I sanitized before this covid stuff and now I just do what I did before, twice. I just feel a bit of environmental responsibility to use these up before they go to landfill. Plus they get a discount. I don’t want to fill a cart a second time and have it be ass. Do any of you refill the screw top CCELLS like TH2? Most of the CCELLs are good for two fills. Three, nope. Learned that the hard way. :slight_smile:

Two maybe three refills but it depends on material. The cleaner it is the more the wick will run before crapping out. Tbh, carts usually clog to the point of not wanting to use it before they burn out for me. But qma is also right about the brown oil coming out of the intakes. If that happens or the cotton looks pretty chazzed time for a new one. No cart as of now will hit like it will on the first few pulls.

Edit thought I’d like to mention a story. Saw someone chief a cart so hard the ceramic was eroding and the cotton visibly warped inwards into the intakes and burnt to hell :joy: :joy: These are meant for one time use, go easy on em.



^Reviews on the FTL/Wolkentek style carts^


^Reviews of the Ascent style carts. ^

I just saw the title in a google search and I sell both, I would rather the truth show it’s self


I wish I hadn’t given a shout out to that company. I’d much rather support a F4200 member with awesome customer service like http://cart.farm


@FTLD-X is 100% a future member, they just aren’t as active because it is a sales account pursuing leads. They are very helpful and know their product well. The product is great, but doesn’t sell as well as the ascent. I also have to do far more customer service operations with this style cart. Out of 5 batches, only one had 0 issues. Out of 63 ascent batches, 58 had 0 issues. I judge a carts reliability by how many customer service requests follow sales these days, and it has been a strong indicator.


It’s a bit of an adventure, building a company or brand. I wish I had the time to be more active on the forums. I lurk more than I post, but that’s usually because I’m not the most knowledgeable person in the thread, and I like to make a policy of speaking only when I have something useful or constructive to say :smile:

Big <3 to @qma for the backup. I appreciate it! I’m drowning in work every day so it’s challenging for me to spend the time to be everywhere I need to be.


Cool. I’m glad you’re a vendor here and folks can be civil.

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I’ve ordered a couple hundred carts from @FTLD-X with out issues.

Ascents carts suck. Hands down. Way too may issues post-covid. And precovid.


I’ve gotten several hundred of the carts from @FTLD-X and only issue I’ve had is with the mouthpieces. The ones that came with the standard black mouthpiece no issues but the couple hundred that came with the premium black mouthpiece takes a little more wiggle and jiggle to get it to fully lock onto the cart. Thankfully, I keep an eye on them while upside down just in case and was able to address the few carts that needed some extra manhandling before they leaked out to much. However, regardless of which style mouthpiece is used the cart itself has been well liked and no negative feedback on performance like clogs or dry hits.


I’m surprised no credit was given to UPS. “No issues” is a glowing review, so I appreciate the feedback. But let’s be real - UPS + FDA holding your carts for 2+ weeks when it was just 200 carts, yet they let through the 5k - 30k orders slide through no issues to other clients. What a gongshow the border has become.

As a post-note to this:
We finally got through to UPS and figured out a lot of the issues, so hopefully no more of this border bullshit. Imagine the FDA stopping shipments of empty tanks. It’s like stopping the shipment of empty pill bottles. A total joke.


You need Steeve Motherfukin Green:


They gave me a point of contact in the executive department in dhl that fucking auto clears shit. I cleared vape carts to Iceland with this contact and thats about as hard as it gets logistics wise.