Frequency of changing crc filter

How often should I change my CrC coffee filters and clean the gaskets and screens. I do about 12 runs a day 2 flush’s a stack. Fresh frozen stacks weigh 3.5kilos and dry flower 2kilos. Use about 400g-1000kg of media each day as well. I feel as if the more often the better I been realizing after not changing for a bit and media ending up in bowl

How well do you stage filtration. Typically the better you do the less you need to clean.


I run 12 4x48 tubes through one plate and have no problems. Stage it right, keep it clean and your good to roll

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if its a tampon ill reuse it because its a pain. but i do have filters beyond that

The fuck.

It’s hard to list how many problems you have… Buy a sintered plate, get a fucking filter plate you can put lab filter papers in, flush your CRC before use, and always either into a secondary collection vessel, or cleaning your collection vessel before use.

If you have powders in “your bowl” you’ve fucked up all the way from here to hell and back.


Will you link me where to purchase the lab papers please and appreciate the feedback

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I use those circle lab filters actually

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You’re going to want 2um as the max size. depending on powders used some people here might even recommend 0.2-0.5um


Last spoon:

Every single run you’re going to change the lab filters that I’m not going to help you find.

You should be rinsing your CRC pack into a separate vessel. If you’re not, you’re putting media into your product.

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Ive reused a tampon, im not saying you should but after all the filters i reused it and it has .05 beyond the tampon Now who is gonna make fun of the reusing tampons statement??? I see that one coming re using tampons - Google Search

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why rinse into a vessel? I dump and i dont run enough to need frequent cleaning of sintereds but do have a ultrasonic bath. the powders need changing every time but not the filters imo. I run 2 lbs system I do monitor by pulling a vac on the crc into the collection and observing dust or not. with my bigass tampons its zero dust at the ass end. a run or 3 wont clog them but the powders need changing.

You know, for the heavy days


i see whats said but i do it too

i rinse into a vessel= hansel?

I got big sheets of material but its prolly 6 feet to make a tampon. I bought fancy scissors for this task specifically. Im a knife/blade/steel fanatic.

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I’m talking about people running 200+ lbs daily. I’m sure you’re more in the 1lb range. I’d keep reusing that tampon.

Because submicron particles go through your tampon and sintered plate like fucking water. You wanna prove me wrong? Try a dry run, and clean your collection vessel after. You’re gonna have media fines in there.

If you’re not willing to test this out, you’re just willingly diluting media fines into your product. You can’t easily see submicron particles unless there’s a few grams piled up in a small spot.

There’s your spoon.


just to reiterate (because I started typing before reading) @CallipygianDabs response…

if you don’t run clean solvent through there, you won’t actually wash the fines through. so your current “test” is insufficient.

so as not to contaminate you primary evaporator.

I do kinda rinse- i just observe but not with butane i just pull vac. if the chamvber has a residue it would be an issue= i have so many filters it hasnt happenend but ive seen powder right up to the last 2 filters

ill wash it through before next run

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Did you ever figure out how often to change the filters? I am very confused myself.

When they need changing…

What might the signs of “needs changing” look like?