Free Scilogex Homoginizer Drive Motor (Damaged probe will need new one)

I figure instead of throwing this away I could give it to someone who could use it. Unfortunately it fell off a shelf and the probe is damaged. You will need to buy a new one before it can be used.

Here is what you are getting (I will include the damaged probe but I doubt you can fix it)

Here is the probe for it, it is 300$

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:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: yes please

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That was fast @Thetetraguy
DM addy

I’m also Very poor and very interested :slight_smile:


Have you tried contacting Scilogex or the seller you purchased it from? They are very good about replacing broken parts.

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I have a Cat Scientific X1000 and an X1750

I was ready to toss it in the trash I have 0 interest in it or trying to salvage it

Well that’s certainly fair. I would suggest whoever you give it to to at least send Scilogex an e-mail since they really do go above and beyond. They have voluntarily replaced entire products for me basically no questions asked when all I did was inquire about purchasing small replacement parts.